The Big Question



Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2019
Some of you might recall that we (though I'm not an alumni) once had a quarterback - Peyton Manning. We could discuss his pros, cons, ad nauseam, but I'd still be convinced that he is one of the greatest football players of all time. At some point, Peyton moved on from U T and landed in the NFL with the Indianapolis Colts. This lasted for 14 amazing seasons, at which time, and in a somewhat surprising "cost-cutting" move the Colts said goodbye to our beloved Peyton Manning, which made him a viable commodity for any number of the other NFL franchises, not named the Patriots. Peyton visited a few teams - it was must watch entertainment - but eventually settled in to play out the remaining years of his celebrated career for the team that I cheered for since the mid-seventies Craig Morton days ...the Denver Broncos.

However, this signing didn't happen without considerable back-and-forth; the primary stipulation being that Manning had to annually pass a physical examination. Nothing new, of course; but noteworthy is the fact that this demand was initiated by Peyton Manning. Because, that's the kind of person he is; because he wanted to be certain that he was still ...good enough.

So, moving on to the Meet Peyton Press Conference: At this celebrated meet-and-greet, Broncos General Manager John Elway (he and Peyton are one, and one-A on my all-time list; but I digress) was rolling right along after his opening remarks, the introduction, etc., until someone in the press audience had the nerve to ask a vital question concerning Peyton's health. Because Peyton had, to date, had four neck surgeries. FOUR! So, there was some risk. And, you should know that Manning had just inked a five-year, $100.000,000.00 deal (A hundred-million-dollars was still a good bit of money back then).

Anyhow, it went something like this: (paraphrasing, of course) "John, what if Peyton gets injured, or simply cannot go on playing, and certainly not at the level we've all become accustomed to seeing? What is your Plan B?" To which Elway brilliantly responded, "We're going with Plan A!" It was classic. It was funny. It was hopeful. But, to think that Elway and the organization he represented hadn't given considerable thought to such a towering "What if" scenario, would be naive at best.
Some of you appear to literally despise John Adams. I used to read his articles, and with this coaching search, and hiring, I watched a couple-three episodes of the "Off The Hook Sports" show. In long ago retrospect I vaguely recall thinking that his articles were very well written, if not a little too "objective" by U T fan standards. So, love him, hate him, that's up to everyone to choose.

But, to celebrate the "slap down" by our new coach? It goes without saying that Recruiting is first and foremost on the prerequisite list. Or is it? John Adams asked the most relevant and important question that our Coach Kim must answer. And sooner than later. If she had been, as someone suggested, "readied" for the question, then all the more reason to give a rational and courteous response.

John Adams will be fine and dandy. I doubt that he'll harbor a grudge. He probably didn't even take it as personal as some might hope. I wouldn't have. And, FWIW, I think Coach Kim will do well for The Lady Vols. Let's just hope that her "Plan A" is as good as John Elway's.

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Some of you might recall that we (though I'm not an alumni) once had a quarterback - Peyton Manning. We could discuss his pros, cons, ad nauseam, but I'd still be convinced that he is one of the greatest football players of all time. At some point, Peyton moved on from U T and landed in the NFL with the Indianapolis Colts. This lasted for about 15-16 amazing seasons, at which time, and in a somewhat surprising "cost-cutting" move the Colts said goodbye to our beloved Peyton Manning, which made him a viable commodity for any number of the other NFL franchises, not named the Patriots. Peyton visited a few teams - it was must watch entertainment - but eventually settled in to play out the remaining years of his celebrated career for the team that I cheered for since the mid-seventies Craig Morton days ...the Denver Broncos.

However, this signing didn't happen without considerable back-and-forth; the primary stipulation being that Manning had to annually pass a physical examination. Nothing new, of course; but noteworthy is the fact that this demand was initiated by Peyton Manning. Because, that's the kind of person he is; because he wanted to be certain that he was still ...good enough.

So, moving on to the Meet Peyton Press Conference: At this celebrated meet-and-greet, Broncos General Manager John Elway (he and Peyton are one, and one-A on my all-time list; but I digress) was rolling right along after his opening remarks, the introduction, etc., until someone in the press audience had the nerve to ask a vital question concerning Peyton's health. Because Peyton had, to date, had four neck surgeries. FOUR! So, there was some risk. And, you should know that Manning had just inked a five-year, $100.000,000.00 deal (A hundred-million-dollars was still a good bit of money back then).

Anyhow, it went something like this: (paraphrasing, of course) "John, what if Peyton gets injured, or simply cannot go on playing, and certainly not at the level we've all become accustomed to seeing? What is your Plan B?" To which Elway brilliantly responded, "We're going with Plan A!" It was classic. It was funny. It was hopeful. But, to think that Elway and the organization he represented hadn't given considerable thought to such a towering "What if" scenario, would be naive at best.
Some of you appear to literally despise John Adams. I used to read his articles, and with this coaching search, and hiring, I watched a couple-three episodes of the "Off The Hook Sports" show. In long ago retrospect I vaguely recall thinking that his articles were very well written, if not a little too "objective" by U T fan standards. So, love him, hate him, that's up to everyone to choose.

But, to celebrate the "slap down" by our new coach? It goes without saying that Recruiting is first and foremost on the prerequisite list. Or is it? John Adams asked the most relevant and important question that our Coach Kim must answer. And sooner than later. If she had been, as someone suggested, "readied" for the question, then all the more reason to give a rational and courteous response.

John Adams will be fine and dandy. I doubt that he'll harbor a grudge. He probably didn't even take it as personal as some might hope. I wouldn't have. And, FWIW, I think Coach Kim will do well for The Lady Vols. Let's just hope that her "Plan A" is as good as John Elway's.

1. Adams is a pompous ass. I honestly wish he'd go back to Baton Rouge and cover his alma mater. I'm pretty sure he doesn't even like UT.
2. It was a stupid question. Of course the new coach thinks she can succeed here, or she wouldn't have taken the job.
Adams probably wrote a few compliments to save face. Kind of like a cat we once had who would badly misjudge a leap to the couch, hit his chin, dig in with his front claws and dangle awkwardly, and then make an ungraceful dismount. And always afterward stroll off with an 'I meant to do that" air.
Adams probably wrote a few compliments to save face. Kind of like a cat we once had who would badly misjudge a leap to the couch, hit his chin, dig in with his front claws and dangle awkwardly, and then make an ungraceful dismount. And always afterward stroll off with an 'I meant to do that" air.
HA! We had a cat that would run out the door when my late, saintly mother scolded him for various offenses. But being a cat, and doing what cats do, his escape tactics evolved, and instead of racing outdoors, he'd simply retreat in the opposite direction and step around and behind the chimney. As this went on, and as "Lemon" began to realize that it wasn't worth Mother's time to pursue the matter, he would stop just around the corner, his orange and white tail waving conspicuously. And, in subsequent escapes, more of him would stick out into the hallway. Eventually, he would take a few steps toward the chimney and stop, turn around and watch as Mother headed back to the kitchen. Oh, what confidence.

I used to write sports articles here in our locale, I think, just over the ridge from you; so I know what my foot tastes like. I still believe, however, that it was a fair question. I also believe Coach Kim handled it quite well. Plus, my non-basketball-fan wife says "she's smart, humble, and gorgeous," and I've long since learned not to argue such matters with her. Love reading your posts.
1. Adams is a pompous ass. I honestly wish he'd go back to Baton Rouge and cover his alma mater. I'm pretty sure he doesn't even like UT.
2. It was a stupid question. Of course the new coach thinks she can succeed here, or she wouldn't have taken the job.
From her answer and glare, i think she was pre-warned about him.
HA! We had a cat that would run out the door when my late, saintly mother scolded him for various offenses. But being a cat, and doing what cats do, his escape tactics evolved, and instead of racing outdoors, he'd simply retreat in the opposite direction and step around and behind the chimney. As this went on, and as "Lemon" began to realize that it wasn't worth Mother's time to pursue the matter, he would stop just around the corner, his orange and white tail waving conspicuously. And, in subsequent escapes, more of him would stick out into the hallway. Eventually, he would take a few steps toward the chimney and stop, turn around and watch as Mother headed back to the kitchen. Oh, what confidence.

I used to write sports articles here in our locale, I think, just over the ridge from you; so I know what my foot tastes like. I still believe, however, that it was a fair question. I also believe Coach Kim handled it quite well. Plus, my non-basketball-fan wife says "she's smart, humble, and gorgeous," and I've long since learned not to argue such matters with her. Love reading your posts.

Thanks. You're a good'un, too.

Your "Lemon" story is just so "cat." Nothing like them for entertainment.

Upon reflection, I agree the question was fair (not that dissimilar to others). I think it was a combination of my dislike for his writing and his tone that rubbed me the wrong way (cat analogy).
1. Adams is a pompous ass. I honestly wish he'd go back to Baton Rouge and cover his alma mater. I'm pretty sure he doesn't even like UT.
2. It was a stupid question. Of course the new coach thinks she can succeed here, or she wouldn't have taken the job.
2. Is being questioned as well by this board as can’t happen because it hasn’t happened.

Anyone offended by the standard question is trying to be offended.
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1. Adams is a pompous ass. I honestly wish he'd go back to Baton Rouge and cover his alma mater. I'm pretty sure he doesn't even like UT.
2. It was a stupid question. Of course the new coach thinks she can succeed here, or she wouldn't have taken the job.

Adams is not Cornelius. Learn the difference. It's not his job--or that of any columnist--to be a "fan"of UT. That is something fans struggle to get. He's not paid to be a cheerleader for any program. He's paid to be objective--and paid to ask tough questions. College sports beat reporters are notoriously meek--almost never ask tough questions because they don't want flinty AD's or communications people vengefully cutting their access. I forget the name of the women's BB reporter during the Warlick years--and even though the team and the program was struggling and had various problems, he never asked any pointed questions.
It may have been a relevant question but what other answer did you expect her to say; " No I don't think I can recruit at this level so I'm going with all mid-level players."

If it was a tough question it got the std coach speak answer and that was the correct answer for yesterday. I though it was a little cheap shot by Adams. Its too early to ask that question. Find out soon enough.
2. Is being questioned as well by this board as can’t happen because it hasn’t happened.

Anyone offended by the standard question is trying to be offended.
Never said I was offended, just that it was a stupid question.
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Adams is not Cornelius. Learn the difference. It's not his job--or that of any columnist--to be a "fan"of UT. That is something fans struggle to get. He's not paid to be a cheerleader for any program. He's paid to be objective--and paid to ask tough questions. College sports beat reporters are notoriously meek--almost never ask tough questions because they don't want flinty AD's or communications people vengefully cutting their access. I forget the name of the women's BB reporter during the Warlick years--and even though the team and the program was struggling and had various problems, he never asked any pointed questions.
Never said he should be a fan, and I'm well aware of the difference. Thanks for being a pompous ass just like Adams though. If you think he's objective, maybe you need to learn some things. His open disdain for UT at times is annoying.
A person who understands what it takes to be successful ALWAYS has a PLAN B. Not having a PLAN B is why most people and companies fail. Change is always inevitable - what works today may not work tomorrow. One needs to be prepared to adapt to change or eventually they will be on the outside looking in.

At some point CKC may appreciate the fact that someone asked the question and put the thought of "what if it doesn't work" in her mind.
And I too don't understand the outcry over the question. I guess had it been one of the other reporters who was doing their job and asking the tough question, folks would have tolerated it better.

But that was a valid question given that her scheme has not worked effectively for those who have tried in in D1 women's basketball. Maybe she knows how to make it work - time will tell.
Adams is not Cornelius. Learn the difference. It's not his job--or that of any columnist--to be a "fan"of UT. That is something fans struggle to get. He's not paid to be a cheerleader for any program. He's paid to be objective--and paid to ask tough questions. College sports beat reporters are notoriously meek--almost never ask tough questions because they don't want flinty AD's or communications people vengefully cutting their access. I forget the name of the women's BB reporter during the Warlick years--and even though the team and the program was struggling and had various problems, he never asked any pointed questions.
Off the Hook, Adams and the on-line regulars seem to be doing sensationalism headlines for clicks IMO. Modern day National Enquirers. Nothing about being objective journalism just trying to line their pockets. That's OK, everyone as Mike Tyson said "have to feed my family" but its not journalism,some of it is a fun read like Volnation. It is what it is, doesn't need to be propped up.
2. Is being questioned as well by this board as can’t happen because it hasn’t happened.

Anyone offended by the standard question is trying to be offended.
Some folks relish the GADFLY position in life. I can see how you could love and appreciate his methods. You share that with Adams, thus you both get challenges from the masses.
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Adams is not Cornelius. Learn the difference. It's not his job--or that of any columnist--to be a "fan"of UT. That is something fans struggle to get. He's not paid to be a cheerleader for any program. He's paid to be objective--and paid to ask tough questions. College sports beat reporters are notoriously meek--almost never ask tough questions because they don't want flinty AD's or communications people vengefully cutting their access. I forget the name of the women's BB reporter during the Warlick years--and even though the team and the program was struggling and had various problems, he never asked any pointed questions.

Adams is an imbecile. And this is coming from someone who has generally agreed with his POV on the Lady Vols for the last 12 years. He doesn’t ask tough questions, he asks leading questions so he can write the drivel that suits his weird opinions.

He also just sounds like a smarmy a** and that makes it difficult to take him seriously in any context.

He’s one those people who says “you’re welcome” to the cashier if they don’t thank him for sure.
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Some folks relish the GADFLY position in life. I can see how you could love and appreciate his methods. You share that with Adams, thus you both get challenges from the masses.
Just state views differently, which isn’t for everyone and don’t think either are looking for acceptance. I personally haven’t read one of his articles since maybe the 90’s, but as an opinion writer he’s not making friends. Had it been another media personality it would have been glazed over as good question as the board has the same issues/concern.

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