Blog: Gems to watch for Saturday

by VolNation Staff on September 23, 2009

in Tennessee Vols Football

by Dan Wake.

If you’ve ever seen a diamond in the rough, it’s not really much to look at. It is similar to gravel in a way. To the untrained eye, its value could certainly be overlooked.

It takes tremendous pressure and constant heat to achieve the transformation from carbon to the hardest mineral on earth. Yet, its journey is far from complete. A cutter will polish a small window to look inside and see what quality the stone is and how best to use it.

Once evaluated, the molding process begins. Cutting, faceting, and polishing. In the end an amazing gem, highly valued and much appreciated.

Lane Kiffin and his coaching staff have been working hard at this process. Some of these ‘diamonds’ are still being evaluated. Some are in the faceting stage, and others have yet to arrive. Collectively, you could say the Tennessee team is a diamond in the rough.

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