I'm 50 years old and have been following football my whole life. As far as education goes...I'd say I qualify for having one. Both worldly and academically. I'm a retired Marine who has been around the world several times, so I guess that qualifies for worldly. I also happen to be a College Professor and Program Director, so I would say I have the education side down too.
As far as to why you are unpopular on here goes, It has nothing to do with harsh unvarnished truths, or people trying to hold unto unrealistic dreams. It's because you are acting like an ass (I didn't call him an ass Mods, just said he's acting like one).
If you would care to look it up, you'll find that by definition, a fan is unrealistic and unreasonable. That is all part of being a fan. It is also one of the things that makes being a fan enjoyable.
I've never understood why people call themselves fans if they go into games thinking the worst before anything even transpires. Why even watch games or follow a team? It just absolutely makes no sense to me.
Thinking we will beat Oklahoma might be unrealistic and unreasonable, but by God until the scoreboard shows otherwise, I believe we can do it. Why? Because I'm a fan of UT Football!
Education, reality and fandom don't go hand in hand my friend. The third one stands alone and that's how it should be.