We have no chance against any good teams

Why put such effort into being an ass?

I put very little effort in this website in general. It' a place to catch up on football news and talk about the Vols for me, nothing more, nothing less.

You can't handle a dissenting opinion on Worley so you throw out terms like idiot and ass and then you get even more testy when you get responded to in kind.
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If you can't look at the balls thrown into VERY, VERY tight windows this past Saturday and recognize that he's throwing it as well as any QB in the SEC... then there's just no help for you. Those were NOT system QB throws. You should lock horns with VolorNuttin. He insists that Worley is all wrong for the system... and here you are saying he's nothing more than a product of the system.

I was high on Worley? How many scores of posts would I have to point you to where I said I liked all 3 or 4? I did specifically defend his physical talent... and was correct. But I would have done the same for the other 2 or 3 as well.

That said, Worley has the ability to throw very, very accurately. That's not a new development.

I can't even complement Worley without you losing your mind. Unreal.
Worley had pretty average stats last year, not terrible. You anti-Worley guys are too much.

He ranked 13th out of 14 qualified QBs in the SEC in Passer Rating. He didn't play a half against Florida or Bama. Didn't go up against Auburn, Mizzou or Vandy (who had a decent defense as well).

So he still was second worst in the SEC and got to miss some real tough games that surely would have made it even worse.

So what is your rebuttal?

LINK: 2013 SEC College Football Individual Statistics Leaders for Passing - ESPN
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Because I'm an educated lifelong football fan and former player, who can see with his own eyes how pathetic we are on both lines of scrimmage, but especially the OL. I also see how really good our competition is on the LOS so I can see the train wreck coming. It's not difficult. Anyone unwilling to acknowledge this is simply a stupid blind optimist or they are living in denial. As for last year, it means absolutely nothing. These are different teams.

Ah, so anyone who disagrees with you is a "stupid blind optimist". Poison the well much?

FWIW, the OL is young but by coaches' comments appears to be more coachable. The DL... is playing better than last year. Not sure how an "educated lifelong football fan and former player who can see with his own eyes" could have missed that so badly.

Depth is a major concern and especially at DT. But so far... the DL is better than last year and thus the D is better than last year.
I didn't lose my mind... but maybe you could have complimented Worley without taking your gratuitous shot at me?

What I said was true, it wasn't a shot. You defended Worley last year, you were higher on him in the preseason than the other guys and thought he would win the job (and yes, you have said you were high on all of them, but you were always higher on Worley)

You never used stats last year to defend Worley. Like I just proved in the previous post above, his stats were bad. You said things like receivers playing bad and running the wrong routes and drops attributed to those stats. You certainly never said "Look at his stats, 13th in the SEC in passer rating, we got a good one there, kids"

What about that is not true?
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It's becoming a game with myself where I try to guess who is arguing when I see an already stupid thread at the top of the new posts page.

And I'm getting good at it with accuracy shown in multiple forums.
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He ranked 13th out of 14 qualified QBs in the SEC in Passer Rating. He didn't play a half against Florida or Bama. Didn't go up against Auburn, Mizzou or Vandy (who had a decent defense as well).

So he still was second worst in the SEC and got to miss some real tough games that surely would have made it even worse.

So what is your rebuttal?

LINK: 2013 SEC College Football Individual Statistics Leaders for Passing - ESPN

Yeah... shame on him for squandering all of that great WR play last year.:no:

Mizzou was dead last in pass D last year allowing both the highest ypg and highest completion %. Auburn was second worst in pass D. UT was 11th in total D... sandwiched between MU at 10 and Aub at 12. Vandy was 6th in passing D but allowed over 60% completions to its opponents and played an exceptionally weak OOC schedule.

UK was a horrible team all around.

Worley endured the early part of the schedule while the WR's were still trying to figure things out. He faced the top 3 passing D's in the SEC (UF, Bama, USCe) plus UGA who was better much better than Aub, MU, and UK.

IOW's, you are likely wrong (again). Worley and North had developed a decent rapport. The other WR's had made progress. They were gaining confidence in each other AND headed into a stretch where they were to face WEAKER pass D's.

There's your rebuttal.
Yeah... shame on him for squandering all of that great WR play last year.:no:

Mizzou was dead last in pass D last year allowing both the highest ypg and highest completion %. Auburn was second worst in pass D. UT was 11th in total D... sandwiched between MU at 10 and Aub at 12. Vandy was 6th in passing D but allowed over 60% completions to its opponents and played an exceptionally weak OOC schedule.

UK was a horrible team all around.

Worley endured the early part of the schedule while the WR's were still trying to figure things out. He faced the top 3 passing D's in the SEC (UF, Bama, USCe) plus UGA who was better much better than Aub, MU, and UK.

IOW's, you are likely wrong (again). Worley and North had developed a decent rapport. The other WR's had made progress. They were gaining confidence in each other AND headed into a stretch where they were to face WEAKER pass D's.

There's your rebuttal.

If we combine the Alabama and UF game since he only played a half in each of those games then he played 7 games all year. 3 out of 7 came against Austin Peay, Western Kentucky and South Alabama.

Whatever you want to say about SEC West champ Auburn and East champ Mizzou, they were better than those 3 teams.

And when you dog whip half the teams you play like Auburn and Mizzou did, teams are forced to pass a ton and that effects your overall yards allowed statistic btw. You usually play a prevent defense when you are up 20 as well.
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(and yes, you have said you were high on all of them, but you were always higher on Worley)
No. I wasn't. He was just the one getting the greatest volume of unreasonable attacks.

You never used stats last year to defend Worley. Like I just proved in the previous post above, his stats were bad. You said things like receivers playing bad and running the wrong routes and drops attributed to those stats. You certainly never said "Look at his stats, 13th in the SEC in passer rating, we got a good one there, kids"

What about that is not true?
Yes. You have to look at stats in the context of the situation a player is operating in. The stats still matter... and I still cited them but you have to parse them some. You have to look at them in the light of development as the year progresses AND who they play.

I don't think the stats say anything less than Worley played MUCH better vs USCe and UGA than USA and WKU. But his passer rating for those two pairs of games was pretty close as was his completion % and total yds.

Worley was almost dead on what USC and UGA did against the SEC on avg. So even WITH the handicap he had at WR and without a threat at TE... Worley was "average" in the last two games he played without injury.
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One thing I know is that no one will hold USU to 6 points the rest of the year. No one will hold ASU to 19 the rest of the year. Mid majors or not our defense did a great job against high octaine offenses the first 2 games. As for Worley I don't know what else people want from him. He's had only 1 turnover and has spread the ball around. He doesn't look down one particular receiver but sees the whole field. sjt18 has been right about him. I was in the Ferguson camp last year but Worley was and is a very good QB. JMO
No. I wasn't. He was just the one getting the greatest volume of unreasonable attacks.

This is a lie. You know that it is a lie. Last time you lied and I dived a year deep into your post history to prove it you disappeared from the thread. I don't much feel like wasting the effort to do it again.
OK, UGA, AL, and Ole Miss will absolutely stomp a mud hole in us. FL, Mizzou, and USC will beat us solidly.

I think we only win 3 more games this year Chattanooga, Kentucky and Vandy. I'm really disappointed, because I hoped we'd be better this year.

. . .Posts like this make me want to stay off Vol Nation!! Although I don't because "MOST" people on here get it! :banghead2:
Because I'm an educated lifelong football fan and former player, who can see with his own eyes how pathetic we are on both lines of scrimmage, but especially the OL. I also see how really good our competition is on the LOS so I can see the train wreck coming. It's not difficult. Anyone unwilling to acknowledge this is simply a stupid blind optimist or they are living in denial. As for last year, it means absolutely nothing. These are different teams.

I'm unpopular here for one simple reason. People don't like to hear the harsh unvarnished truth. The reality of our football program doesn't make them feel good, so they hold onto unrealistic dreams, and gravitate to any tidbit that seems to support their unrealistic viewpoint. Likewise, they attack any realism, with extreme vitriol.

I'm 50 years old and have been following football my whole life. As far as education goes...I'd say I qualify for having one. Both worldly and academically. I'm a retired Marine who has been around the world several times, so I guess that qualifies for worldly. I also happen to be a College Professor and Program Director, so I would say I have the education side down too.

As far as to why you are unpopular on here goes, It has nothing to do with harsh unvarnished truths, or people trying to hold unto unrealistic dreams. It's because you are acting like an ass (I didn't call him an ass Mods, just said he's acting like one).

If you would care to look it up, you'll find that by definition, a fan is unrealistic and unreasonable. That is all part of being a fan. It is also one of the things that makes being a fan enjoyable.

I've never understood why people call themselves fans if they go into games thinking the worst before anything even transpires. Why even watch games or follow a team? It just absolutely makes no sense to me.

Thinking we will beat Oklahoma might be unrealistic and unreasonable, but by God until the scoreboard shows otherwise, I believe we can do it. Why? Because I'm a fan of UT Football!

Education, reality and fandom don't go hand in hand my friend. The third one stands alone and that's how it should be.
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If we combine the Alabama and UF game since he only played a half in each of those games then he played 7 games all year. 3 out of 7 came against Austin Peay, Western Kentucky and South Alabama.
And all the while the WR's were doing what? Learning? Improving? Figuring it out? That was a tough period for ANY QB to manage.

Whatever you want to say about SEC West champ Auburn and East champ Mizzou, they were better than those 3 teams.
Neither won because of great D. Auburn wasn't even "good" on D. Mizzou was good in two critical areas- sacks and turnovers.

And when you dog whip half the teams you play like Auburn and Mizzou did, teams are forced to pass a ton and that effects your overall yards allowed statistic btw. You usually play a prevent defense when you are up 20 as well.
LOL... you just can't give it up, can you?

Dobbs had good completion % against those teams, right? So you have receivers that still aren't that dependable... throw in a QB who was probably 4th on the depth chart before all the injuries and didn't know what he was doing either... who is probably 3rd now.... and THAT GUY passes for over 60% but to you... those are still quality pass D's.
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I'm 50 years old and have been following football my whole life. As far as education goes...I'd say I qualify for having one. Both worldly and academically. I'm a retired Marine who has been around the world several times, so I guess that qualifies for worldly. I also happen to be a College Professor and Program Director, so I would say I have the education side down too.

As far as to why you are unpopular on here goes, It has nothing to do with harsh unvarnished truths, or people trying to hold unto unrealistic dreams. It's because you are acting like an ass (I didn't call him an ass Mods, just said he's acting like one).

If you would care to look it up, you'll find that by definition, a fan is unrealistic and unreasonable. That is all part of being a fan. It is also one of the things that makes being a fan enjoyable.

I've never understood why people call themselves fans if they go into games thinking the worst before anything even transpires. Why even watch games or follow a team? It just absolutely makes no sense to me.

Thinking we will beat Oklahoma might be unrealistic and unreasonable, but by God until the scoreboard shows otherwise, I believe we can do it. Why? Because I'm a fan of UT Football!

Education, reality and fandom don't go hand in hand my friend. The third one stands alone and that's how it should be.
Man I was just going to remind him that fan is short for fanatic and that saying realistic fan is an oximoron. You put it so much better. Props.
This is a lie. You know that it is a lie. Last time you lied and I dived a year deep into your post history to prove it you disappeared from the thread. I don't much feel like wasting the effort to do it again.

I do not lie here. I do not have a reason to. If I am mistaken... I am one of the few people here you will ever see publicly acknowledge it. If you show me something where forgot or was mistaken about something... you'll get an apology even though frankly you aren't very deserving of that amount of respect based on your posts here.

And HONESTLY, I don't know what thread you are talking about. I am usually willing to go the distance with folks. I enjoy it actually. But there are a few times when someone persists in ignorance that I just quit.

I have defended Worley. No question. Was he the most attacked of the QB's? Without any question. I've defended Peterman when people said he had no ability. I've defended Dobbs when people have said he'd never develop into a good QB. I don't recall defending Ferguson but mostly because I never knew very much about him.

And to clarify what we were talking about, you said that I was higher on Worley than the others. That is NOT true and I said so. The ONLY way you can qualify that as a "lie" is if you are a mindreader... and you're not.

IN FACT, you will find NUMEROUS posts where I said I liked Dobbs' game the best of ALL FOUR QB's... so I guess you lied?
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This is a lie. You know that it is a lie. Last time you lied and I dived a year deep into your post history to prove it you disappeared from the thread. I don't much feel like wasting the effort to do it again.

I did that once and he called me a creepy stalker. Completely disregarding the evidence he'd been shown that he was contradicting himself. Just put him on ignore. In his mind there are only two types of people: those who agree with him and liars.

Not worth the wasted effort.
I'm 50 years old and have been following football my whole life. As far as education goes...I'd say I qualify for having one. Both worldly and academically. I'm a retired Marine who has been around the world several times, so I guess that qualifies for worldly. I also happen to be a College Professor and Program Director, so I would say I have the education side down too.

As far as to why you are unpopular on here goes, It has nothing to do with harsh unvarnished truths, or people trying to hold unto unrealistic dreams. It's because you are acting like an ass (I didn't call him an ass Mods, just said he's acting like one).

If you would care to look it up, you'll find that by definition, a fan is unrealistic and unreasonable. That is all part of being a fan. It is also one of the things that makes being a fan enjoyable.

I've never understood why people call themselves fans if they go into games thinking the worst before anything even transpires. Why even watch games or follow a team? It just absolutely makes no sense to me.

Thinking we will beat Oklahoma might be unrealistic and unreasonable, but by God until the scoreboard shows otherwise, I believe we can do it. Why? Because I'm a fan of UT Football!

Education, reality and fandom don't go hand in hand my friend. The third one stands alone and that's how it should be.

Way to kick his,as, I was saying, go Vols.
I do not lie here. I do not have a reason to. If I am mistaken... I am one of the few people here you will ever see publicly acknowledge it. If you show me something where forgot or was mistaken about something... you'll get an apology even though frankly you aren't very deserving of that amount of respect based on your posts here.

And HONESTLY, I don't know what thread you are talking about. I am usually willing to go the distance with folks. I enjoy it actually. But there are a few times when someone persists in ignorance that I just quit.

I have defended Worley. No question. Was he the most attacked of the QB's? Without any question. I've defended Peterman when people said he had no ability. I've defended Dobbs when people have said he'd never develop into a good QB. I don't recall defending Ferguson but mostly because I never knew very much about him.

And to clarify what we were talking about, you said that I was higher on Worley than the others. That is NOT true and I said so. The ONLY way you can qualify that as a "lie" is if you are a mindreader... and you're not.

IN FACT, you will find NUMEROUS posts where I said I liked Dobbs' game the best of ALL FOUR QB's... so I guess you lied?

So many lies, not sure which to start with. I think I am at my witts end with you. I think you suffer from some kind of mental issues with attachment.

I guess you don't remember our back and forth last year about Dobbs where I defended his ability and you claimed to not see it. Going as far to say you don't recall any drops by the receivers in the Mizzou game, another lie, or a misreprensentation of the reality that you wish were true.

You said his arm strength lacked. That Worley was a "Good" QB (that is the post I dug up btw) which you later tried to say you never claimed and more unreal BS. I even remember you trying to justify that Worley was a better runner, or as good, as Dobbs. lol. I proved that wrong with stats btw. You disappeared again.

So whatever, keeping living in this distorted version of reality that you can't muster enough self-awareness to realize.

P.S. It blows my mind that you are trying to claim that you never favored Worley in the QB battle. Everyone on this board knows that is not true. I am willing to bet you predicted Worley to win the battle at least 10 different times.
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I'm 50 years old and have been following football my whole life. As far as education goes...I'd say I qualify for having one. Both worldly and academically. I'm a retired Marine who has been around the world several times, so I guess that qualifies for worldly. I also happen to be a College Professor and Program Director, so I would say I have the education side down too.

As far as to why you are unpopular on here goes, It has nothing to do with harsh unvarnished truths, or people trying to hold unto unrealistic dreams. It's because you are acting like an ass (I didn't call him an ass Mods, just said he's acting like one).

If you would care to look it up, you'll find that by definition, a fan is unrealistic and unreasonable. That is all part of being a fan. It is also one of the things that makes being a fan enjoyable.

I've never understood why people call themselves fans if they go into games thinking the worst before anything even transpires. Why even watch games or follow a team? It just absolutely makes no sense to me.

Thinking we will beat Oklahoma might be unrealistic and unreasonable, but by God until the scoreboard shows otherwise, I believe we can do it. Why? Because I'm a fan of UT Football!

Education, reality and fandom don't go hand in hand my friend. The third one stands alone and that's how it should be.
Nicely put. Combines all the thoughts I've had this past week and puts them all into one comment effectively.
I'm 50 years old and have been following football my whole life. As far as education goes...I'd say I qualify for having one. Both worldly and academically. I'm a retired Marine who has been around the world several times, so I guess that qualifies for worldly. I also happen to be a College Professor and Program Director, so I would say I have the education side down too.

As far as to why you are unpopular on here goes, It has nothing to do with harsh unvarnished truths, or people trying to hold unto unrealistic dreams. It's because you are acting like an ass (I didn't call him an ass Mods, just said he's acting like one).

If you would care to look it up, you'll find that by definition, a fan is unrealistic and unreasonable. That is all part of being a fan. It is also one of the things that makes being a fan enjoyable.

I've never understood why people call themselves fans if they go into games thinking the worst before anything even transpires. Why even watch games or follow a team? It just absolutely makes no sense to me.

Thinking we will beat Oklahoma might be unrealistic and unreasonable, but by God until the scoreboard shows otherwise, I believe we can do it. Why? Because I'm a fan of UT Football!

Education, reality and fandom don't go hand in hand my friend. The third one stands alone and that's how it should be.

I think this needs to be re-quoted again.

I will also add that if he is giving the unvarnished truth as he says, then why does he see so much positive in all the others teams and so much negative in ours.

Attention.... that's all he wants. He has made bold harsh claims time and time again. Some of those could be brought back up for some good laughs on how wrong he was. During those claims, he said the same thing about us being unrealistic but he knows the truth.

Its all about attention. He needs it, he wants it, people being angry at him here fuels him to feel alive. He posts for attention.
So many lies, not sure which to start with. I think I am at my witts end with you. I think you suffer from some kind of mental issues with attachment.
You are a piece of work. I have mental issues? I'm not the one insisting that you are "lying" in cases where you may be mistaken or forgetful.

I guess you don't remember our back and forth last year about Dobbs where I defended his ability and you claimed to not see it. Going as far to say you don't recall any drops by the receivers in the Mizzou game, another lie, or a misreprensentation of the reality that you wish were true.
You might want to go back and find that argument because no... I don't remember it... and also Smith's drop changed the whole course of that game. I was actually in the stands watching it as it happened.

You said his arm strength lacked.
I may well have said that his arm strength needed to improve. Pretty normal for a skinny Fr. I have also said he threw a very pretty pass. FWIW, he looked to have as much if not more arm strength on flat throws than Mauk from the stands.

That Worley was a "Good" QB (that is the post I dug up btw) which you later tried to say you never claimed and more unreal BS.
If I indeed tried to deny that... which based on your non-sense here is very much in question... then I was mistaken. I have long believed that Worley had the talent to be a very good SEC QB. Maybe I was not clear at some point in the way I wrote that... but based on your conception of the "truth" I am more inclined to believe you read into a comment what you wanted to see.

I even remember you trying to justify that Worley was a better runner, or as good, as Dobbs. lol. I proved that wrong with stats btw. You disappeared again.
I have said that Worley was effective when he ran. I may at some point have found a particular game or time span in which his stats were better than Dobbs. I do not believe and doubt I ever said that he was a "better" runner than Dobbs.

So whatever, keeping living in this distorted version of reality that you can't muster enough self-awareness to realize.
You read your opinions into the words of other people then claim they are lying... and question their "version of reality." Classic.

P.S. It blows my mind that you are trying to claim that you never favored Worley in the QB battle. Everyone on this board knows that is not true. I am willing to bet you predicted Worley to win the battle at least 10 different times.
There is a PERFECT example of either willful ignorance or perhaps something worse on your part.

I ABSOLUTELY said that there was no reason to believe that anyone had caught Worley. I ABSOLUTELY said that there were few signs pointing to anyone being the #1 QB.

That does NOT mean I "favored Worley". It only means I can look at evidence and ACCURATELY interpret what it means. I would have supported Dobbs or Peterman or Ferguson just as much as Worley. I actually like what I know of the first two very much and hope that one or both gets to lead the Vols into championships in a year or two.

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