The Official Tennessee vs S.Miss Super Regional Game 3 Thread 10:06 PM EST ESPNU

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Routine is important.

Do we drive to the stadium an hour early, make players sit on a bus "on call" til God knows when, rush out and throw a few with no BP, and then start the game with not enough warm ups?

Guaranteed SM has an indoor facility that their players are staying warm in as we speak! Taking BP and throwing.

This is a BIG game and I don't want that!

We bought very thick chain and lock and locked them in.
Everyone can assume they forfeited or whatever.
Any advantage they have, we can take it away and then some.
Not gonna lie, I’m just a little pissed. I’m in central time zone and a 9 o’clock start for Game 3 of a Super Regional when I gotta be up for work at 4 isn’t sitting well with me.
Recent grad who is in his 4th week of 6-5…. Not excited about this start time either.
I’m sitting two blocks from stadium, just now another bolt and thunder. Saturday they added 30 minutes after each lightning strike before next update.

I think we’ll start tonight! However,
it’s incompetent how the NCAA continuously manages these situations. They should tell everyone publicly what they are thinking! Do the fans in stands matter anymore?
Why don’t they pay a freakin’ meteorologist to more precisely manage games!!! The 8mi lighting policy is dumb! There is no science to justify rationale for the rule!
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I’m going to take this moment, while this thread will have its biggest audience, to give a personal shout out to Volnation’s @taylorvol I know many of you saw his generosity hooking fellow Vols up during the Clemson series, but I experienced it first hand this week. I had cancelled this trip after it looked like tickets weren’t going to be attainable. He reached out on here and said he may have a ticket available. I thought “too good to be true” lol. Sitting at dinner Wed night, I get a text message from AXS tickets saying “you have been transferred tickets from “xxxxx”. Wouldn’t let me pay him more than what he paid, even when tickets were going for $600+ per session on StubHub.

It’s rare that I’m struck by random acts of kindness, and upon reflection, I’m sad that’s the world we currently live in. We get too obsessed with all the “othering” and tribalism of sticking with our own - that we no longer just act with a sense of gratitude and generosity to complete strangers. It reminds me of why I thank God every day that I was born, and will die a TENNESSEE Vol. It’s the brotherhood and sisterhood of VFLs spread across this nation that make this fan base unique. Genuinely, I thank you, TaylorVol. It’s been awesome meeting you and your wife and getting to know a fellow posi-Vol. You epitome the definition of VFL. GBO! 🍊 now let’s go get this win!
Fellow 4 o’clocker here.

Do you make donuts? EMS? Air traffic control? I can't imagine having to routinely wake up at 4AM. I can more see staying up that late, but not waking up that early.

Oh, another one: Bank Robber? It seems like THE time of day with the least amount of people being awake would be 4AM, so that would be a good bank robbing time. js
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