So a few weeks ago, one of my daughters had the flu but was on the tail end of it. My wife had started feeling bad so we figured she had caught it. My daughter came into our bathroom to ask a question and started feeling light headed. My wife caught her as she was beginning to faint and got her lowered onto the toilet in the WC. As she was doing that though, she was frantically saying her name trying to keep her conscious and alert. The demon that possesses our cat decided to take that moment to lose her ever loving mind and began attacking my wife and daughter's legs. My wife started screaming and tried to push the cat out of the room and the cat tore into her hand and left three good deep gashes in her palm. So she got the cat out of the room and got the door shut and started screaming for me. When I got back there, the cat was sitting calmly. When my wife told me the cat had attacked them I reached down to pick her up and she made like she wanted to attack me too. So using my handy dandy crocs

I pushed her into the closet and shut her in there. Then I got my wife and daughter out of the WC. It looked like a murder scene. There was blood all of the floor, walls, them.... It was awful. my daughter laid down on the bed, elevated her feet, ice pack, and some water. My youngest sat with her while I attended to my wife's wounds on her hands and legs. When we finally let the cat out of the closet, she acted like nothing had happened and hasn't done anything like that since. We do keep an eye on her all the time now though. We cannot understand what possibly caused her to do that. It was a truly crazy morning.
So yeah...