The Arguments for Dooley

Im tired of hearing the no big name coaches wanted to come here excuse. We would've gotten any coach we wanted but it was the AD that made none of them want to come. He wanted to pay bottom of the SEC money AND force them to keep kiffins leftovers. The roster and possible sanctions were just the icing on the cake. Look at Ohio St and USC, they both got good coaches when they had BAD sanctions.
If hart is willing to pay the money and lets the new HC decide if he wants to keep anyone or not then we could get any coach we wanted.
So its not that coaches just didn;t want to come here, its that they didn't wanna come here with the terms Hammy set and do it for basically next to nothing money. It had NOTHING to do with the state of the program.
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The argument FOR Dooley is the same one as for Obama: give him more time to screw up everything he hasn't already. And the solution is also the same. The next Greyhound out of town.
You're post is just wrong in so many ways. I am not a fan of dooley. But to say were less competitve is stupid. We have been in positionn to win 4 of our 5 losses.

Close only counts in horseshoes. As much as I hate to, I'll quote the ole flea-bitten bama bear bryant: "The only statistic that counts is the one on the scoreboard."

Vol fans, especially season ticket holders and donors, are TIRED of talk of moral victories.
I said from the beginning I was gonna wait until after October to make my decision on Dooley.

Well, November is here and I say fire his a$$!
Sunseri is the reason Tennessee is playing so poorly, we have a great offense, but no defense, I say put the money out there and go get John Chavis back in orange and white.

Florida, Alabama, Georgia, and South Carolina all second this.
Close only counts in horseshoes. As much as I hate to, I'll quote the ole flea-bitten bama bear bryant: "The only statistic that counts is the one on the scoreboard."

Vol fans, especially season ticket holders and donors, are TIRED of talk of moral victories.

Just bc someone has season tickets or donate money doesn't make them more of a fan.
The argument that Dooley inherited a mess, and that he has us going in the right direction went right out the window last night. They were never legit arguments in the first place, but now the proof is there for all to see. The team Dooley inherited would not have given up 48 points to Troy at home. Not even with Dooley coaching. We're not moving in the right direction. Fact is, we're nowhere close to competing in the SEC. We're less competitive than we were in Dooley's first season. We've become Hal Mumme's Kentucky teams. Score a ton of points with nothing to show for it.

So sad but true.
Not true. Dooley took over with NFL talent at Qb, rb, wr, ol, and db.

When cdd got to UT he had an nfl QB?? He had a juco transfer and an EE true freshman with 2 other scholarships...San Diego St and Fresno St. Not even a QB that had been on campus a single season on the roster. That's how bad it was after kiffy ran them all off. So if Bray is an NFL QB then he was developed by the current staff Chaney and Dooley. The nfl talent RB??WRs??OL?? dB?? You really need to be specific on who you are talking about at all these positions. I'd especially like to know which ones that were on campus for at least 1 season that you are talking about. I can assume some but want to see your list.

How can you say janzen was such an nfl talent. If he was so talented he would be playing right now. Didn't effect janoris jenkins (the offfield issues)

Way to try to bring reason in this thread. Obviously its for not but is what it is with the closed minded. :good!:

Side note: Janzen Jackson brought on his own demise. We will never know all of the things he got himself into, but he is to blame. I'm sure cdd was truly forced to do so. When I was in BR for the game the guy next to me told me he was glad they didn't sign JJ, and that he would be very surprised if he finished his career at UT in a positive manner. It was one of those "my dad has a lot of HS coaches as buddies" yadda yadda, so I really didn't put to much into it at the time. When JJ got kicked off the team the first thing I thought of was that conversation. The guy said it had to do a lot with his dad (maybe stepdad) and how it was sad how he was going to bring JJ down.

These are things that cdd has had to deal with that no one considers when they state he hasn't done anything. IMHO the guy hasn't had the chance to be a coach only, but has dealt with so much crap he's had to clean up and repair.

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I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the national debt went from $4.2 to $5.6 trillion during the Clinton years. That amounts to spending an average of $175 billion a year more than we took in. That is $500 million a day more than we took in. Look it up.

And Bush jr. did what?
And Bush jr. did what?
Worse, but I was responding to a misleading pro- Clinton post. If someone said that G.W.Bush had a surplus, I would have said that he added another $5 trillion in 8 years. If someone said that Obama had a surplus, I would have said that he has added almost another $6 trillion in less than 4 years.

Bush isn't a junior by the way.
Worse, but I was responding to a misleading pro- Clinton post. If someone said that G.W.Bush had a surplus, I would have said that he added another $5 trillion in 8 years. If someone said that Obama had a surplus, I would have said that he has added almost another $6 trillion in less than 4 years.

Bush isn't a junior by the way.

Bush jr. is what folks round him call him, with pride I may add. Oh well, it's why I'm an Independent because I trust no politician and just vote for who I think is the lesser evil.

Let's get to football. I do think Dooley has turned the offense around. I also think he should have taken action long ago about the performance of the defense instead of blindly trusting Sunseri despite mounting evidence. Fact is we can't afford to fire Dooley because we're broke. The best answer for us right now much as we may hate to admit it would be to demote Sunseri to coach and hire a true DC with a background for producing decent defense units.
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We need to get behind the program, and let the year play out, fans help with motivation of players,lets get neyland rocking!
The sign of a good coach is one that occasionally beats teams that he shouldn't and doesn't get beat by teams that are clearly less talented. Dooley's history is what? This has NOTHING to do with the mess he inherited. he can only use that reasoning for so long and then coaching must take over, otherwise we are still talking about this 20 years down the road.
It seems a few here are still butt-chuggin' the dool-aid.

Actually, son, it's just some folks who have an opinion different than yours or the butt you prefer to chug. In recognition people have a right to think for themselves, this great country integrated freedom of speech into its Constitution. You will not be allowed to real that fundamental right. :loco:
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Actually, son, it's just some folks who have an opinion different than yours or the butt you prefer to chug. In recognition people have a right to think for themselves, this great country integrated freedom of speech into its Constitution. You will not be allowed to real that fundamental right. :loco:

Explain the last sentence.
This is Dooley's defense. He is the head coach, hired the defensive coordinator to implement it, and oversees the final product. MAKE NO MISTAKE. The defense is Dooley's responsibility.

It is funny that before the season everyone kept on saying that it was Dave Hart's hire not Dooley's but now it is soley Dooley's. I am not saying that you said it but it was said enough on here and other sites by many. No one really says that anymore. Our defense is really bad, in case someone didn't know. :p

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