I get that this data is several years old, but I'm struggling mightily to see how (as
@JelloPuddinPup mentioned) the G League is going to be a better option for players long-term (and, potentially, short-term) than the NCAA once NIL is fair game. Far fewer people watch the G League, comprised of NBA franchise feeder teams stocked with former 4*/5* players from colleges throughout the country, than regular-season NCAA basketball (to say nothing of March Madness) and I'm not convinced that an 18-year-old is going to have the same pre-NBA marketing cachet as a Maine Red Claw that he would as a Duke Blue Devil (nationally) or Tennessee Volunteer (locally). When you consider that these players are still going to be entering the draft in several years, meaning they aren't directly slotted into a franchise's pipeline with the opportunity for fans of the Raptors to watch them go from raw talent to contributing NBA starter, it seems as if they're missing out on a golden opportunity to build a fanbase/following by chasing between $250k and $500k.
Some players might absolutely need that money immediately to help their family out of a bad situation and I would absolutely understand that, but I think that we'll look back in ten years and see that the 5* talent that went to college end up in a better position.