‘It’s open season on the president’: Anonymous op-ed unleashes fresh West Wing meltdown



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Jan 13, 2013
‘It’s open season on the president’: Anonymous op-ed unleashes fresh West Wing meltdown

The hunt for the mole began as soon as the New York Times published an anonymous op-ed by a senior Trump administration official declaring that many in the government are working to thwart the president they serve.

The op-ed, whose author described top aides working to restrain a reckless and amoral president and Cabinet officials considering constitutional measures to remove Trump from office, landed a day after excerpts from Bob Woodward’s forthcoming book quoting senior aides dismissing the president’s capacity for office – and on the heels of Trump’s exile from official Washington during the weekend’s funerals for onetime Republican standard-bearer John McCain.

Trump appeared to share that view, tweeting in all-caps on Wednesday: “TREASON?” He then upped the pressure by tweeting that “the Times must, for National Security purposes, turn him/her over to government at once!”

Mueller can just let these dudes collapse in on themselves like a dying star.
Hope that works for you. Nothing else seems to.

They remind me of the guy at the bar. He’s lonely. No friends.

Some hot chick with her friends come up and slightly hit on him. Rub their boobs across his back so slightly reaching for something.

He buys their drinks hoping to get some action, only to go home and watch porn. (CNN) and think “I almost had her (him)”
When the walls.... come crumbling down. Oh the deranged tangerine toddler has a leaky faucet in his house
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Flapping their arms in the water now. Last resort type stuff. They have run out of bullets. Even with the media in the tank they still find a way to lose. FEAR TRUMP and vote for us! This is the 2018 Democratic platform with the media in full support.
Or the fact your have a left wing media that was fully asleep at the wheel for 8 years and suddenly became full blown sleuths when trump got elected.

It’s fun how everything he did was awesome but bush and trump go under the microscope.

This is why most of us conservatives just have a wait and see approach on all these so called blow ups going on.

Again, we will see.......
I don't know what's more disturbing. This story about the rampant chaos and meltdown going on inside the White House or the disconnect that most Trumpers have about his ensuing demise.

Its you they're targeting not us. We know its garbage immediately. The media is trying to scare you, is it working?
Haven’t we seen this story about nine times since Trump’s term started? Honestly thought this was going to be a resurrection of an old thread.
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NYT threw journalistic integrity out the window long ago. Its amazing they are still standing. How low they have fallen.

The Inquirer is suing them for trying to steal their market share.
I don't know what's more disturbing. This story about the rampant chaos and meltdown going on inside the White House or the disconnect that most Trumpers have about his ensuing demise.

Dude you are going to stroke out if Trump gets reelected. Your assumptions about Trump supporters borders on the clinically insane. I mean in Trump were to get removed from office, what do you think will happen? There will be complaining, bitching, moaning and grief for awhile. But guess what? Then we would accept it and mive on to Pences reign as president. I doubt you would see the smowflake meltdowns from the Trump supporters like you did from ones like you when Trump got elected.
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Of course you did....

You actually think they are a legitimate news source.

Update, they aren’t.

Haven’t been for years.

Just want to make sure I understand:
You believe that the Times op-ed is a work of fiction by a politically motivated publication?

For full disclosure (not trying to play gotcha, just legitimately curious) assuming the answer is yes, I’m hoping you’ll indulge me and allow me to follow up with two more questions:

1. Is there anything other than the publication’s reputation that you feel supports that.
2. If you assumed it was true, would that bother you?

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