I’ve heard this before too!!

POC are afraid! The gays will be rounded up! Stock market will crash! Withdrawal from the Paris accords will doom the planet! MUH Hitler!

You've heard it before? Like the last time a right wing president who could care less about buzz sawing the Amazon for profit was elected? When was that exactly?

I could not care less about the rest of it, I'm libertarian but I do lean toward saving the planet's resources as much as possible.
You've heard it before? Like the last time a right wing president who could care less about buzz sawing the Amazon for profit was elected? When was that exactly?

I could not care less about the rest of it, I'm libertarian but I do lean toward saving the planet's resources as much as possible.
Bush vs Gore.
You've heard it before? Like the last time a right wing president who could care less about buzz sawing the Amazon for profit was elected? When was that exactly?

I could not care less about the rest of it, I'm libertarian but I do lean toward saving the planet's resources as much as possible.
Just curious but where are you reading that he will buzz saw the amazon?
You've heard it before? Like the last time a right wing president who could care less about buzz sawing the Amazon for profit was elected? When was that exactly?

I could not care less about the rest of it, I'm libertarian but I do lean toward saving the planet's resources as much as possible.

You realize we’re suppose to be under water by now.
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Just curious but where are you reading that he will buzz saw the amazon?

Bolsonaro has a plan to privatize vast swaths of the forest, turning it over to agribusiness and mining. In addition, he would like to expand hydropower and nuclear power in the region, and has indicated he will not let outside environmental groups have much sway over conservation.
Bolsonaro has a plan to privatize vast swaths of the forest, turning it over to agribusiness and mining. In addition, he would like to expand hydropower and nuclear power in the region, and has indicated he will not let outside environmental groups have much sway over conservation.
Yeah I asked where you read this?
Brazilian Leftists Turn Violent in Late-Night Anti-Bolsonaro ‘Resistance’ Protest

Thousands of leftist protesters took to the streets of Brazil this week to march in “resistance” against the election of conservative President-elect Jair Bolsonaro, with some groups protesters turning into violent confrontations, local media reported.

Large protests took place across the country to against Bolsonaro’s victory, claiming that he will erode Brazil’s democratic freedoms and return to the military dictatorship that led the country from 1964 to 1985.

“No one is giving up! No one is giving up! No one is giving up!” the protesters chanted as they made their way through the streets of São Paolo, carrying signs that with phrases such as, “Fascist pig,” “Neo-Nazis No!”, and “Not Him.”

“We do recognize the result of the elections … Bolsonaro has now been elected president of Brazil,” declared Guilherme Boulos, a prominent leftist leader. “But not Brazil’s emperor – not the owner of Brazil. He doesn’t own us.”

“A president has to respect democratic freedoms,” he continued. “A president has to respect the freedom of protest, the freedom of expression. He has to respect opposition and not say that they go either to jail or into exile.”
Protesters also complained about their fear of a rollback in their progressive freedoms, citing Bolsonaro’s well-known strict Christian Evangelism and socially conservative views. Many held signs and attacked him over what they claim are his racist, misogynist, and homophobic views.

According to O Globo, a group of hooded demonstrators
remained in Roosevelt Square in central São Paulo after most of the protesters had already left. After violent confrontations broke out, riot police were forced to control the situation with tear gas and rubber bullets. There is currently no information available about potential injuries.

Similar protests also took place in cities such as Rio de Janeiro, Porto Alegre, and Recife, causing blockages and traffic jams, although there were no reports of violent confrontations.
Although widely expected, Bolsonaro’s victory has come as a major upset to Brazil’s leftist establishment, who have governed the country since 2003. His campaign, which focusedon law and order and crackdown on corruption, captured the imagination of many Brazilians frustrated with soaring levels of crime and the corruption scandals that have rocked the country’s political system.

Former President Luiz Inácio Lula Da Silva, who is currently serving a 12-year prison sentence for taking over $1 million in bribes under the “Operation Car Wash” corruption scandal, has urged leftists to stay calm and form a united democratic front against Bolsonaro’s leadership, which he has described as Brazil’s “fascist adventure.”

Brazilian Leftists Turn Violent in Anti-Bolsonaro 'Resistance' Protest
Brazilian Intelligence Reveals ‘Terrorist’ Plot Against Bolsonaro

Brazilian President-elect Jair Bolsonaro’s choice for minister of defense revealed on Friday that intelligence services had thwarted a “terrorist” attack against the conservative future head of state, who survived an assassination attempt to win last week’s election.

Reserve General Augusto Heleno, who Bolsonaro has stated he will appoint defense minister when he takes office on January 1, said in an interview with the newspaper O Globo that Brazilian authorities had reason to believe Bolsonaro was the target of a plot to kill him.

Heleno revealed the plot in response to a question about rumors of such a plot exacerbated by the elevated presence of security in Brasilia and around Bolsonaro, who has spent much of the week outside the capital. Officials had insisted that heightened security around the president-elect had been planned long before Bolsonaro won Sunday’s election and would have occurred if his opponent, socialist Workers’ Party (PT) candidate Fernando Haddad, had won instead.

“The information suggesting that a planned terrorist attack against the president was thwarted is true,” Heleno said. “That was confirmed by intelligence authorities already.”

Brazilian Intelligence Reveals 'Terrorist' Plot Against Bolsonaro
Brazil, Colombia Border States Struggle to Contain Infectious Diseases from Venezuela

Brazil, Colombia, and other Venezuelan border states are struggling to treat the variety of serious illnesses refugees from the socialist state are bringing with them, a report from the Wall Street Journal detailed Wednesday.

The thousands of Venezuelan refugees arriving daily in Brazil’s and Colombia’s border towns often carry serious diseases such as malaria, YELLOW FEVER, diphtheria, dengue, and tuberculosis that they are spreading to local populations, according to Colombian, Brazilian, and Venezuelan health officials who spoke with the Journal.

The diseases, previously believed to have been eradicated, are now cropping up in cities hundreds of miles away from the Venezuelan border as local authorities seek to move refugees from border towns into other parts of the country.

According to Brazil’s health ministry, the border city of Manaus reported four possible cases of measles in March this year.

By October, the number had risen to nearly 1,000 cases, all of which originated from Venezuela. Twelve of those people have since died of the infection. The Pan American Health Organization reports that cases of measles are spreading well beyond border towns, with new cases reported in Colombia, Peru, Ecuador, and Argentina.

“Individuals who are forced to exit the country without proper medical care can transmit a million different things, or have the potential to trigger an outbreak that no one can predict but that will eventually occur,” Dr. Irene Bosch, a research scientist from U.S. National Institutes of Health told the paper. “It is a perfect storm condition for a catastrophic medical situation.”
Such reports provide underline the severity of Venezuela’s migration crisis, in which thousands of people are fleeing the country every day in dire poverty and often in need of humanitarian assistance. Such movement has caused considerable tension and xenophobic backlash in local communities, an issue the spread of disease is only likely to exacerbate.

Last month, Ecuador’s leftist President Lenin Moreno, who some believed would be an ally of Nicolás Maduro, told the United Nations General Assembly that his country was taking in an average of 6,000 Venezuelan refugees a day, many with infectious diseases.

“In Ecuador, we are receiving at least 6,000 Venezuelan brothers daily,” Moreno said. “The children come with chickenpox, with diphtheria and polio; pregnant women come having never taken birth control.”

Border States Struggle to Contain Infectious Diseases from Venezuela
New Brazil President Vows To Tackle ‘Marxist Garbage’ In Schools

He’s called himself “Brazil’s Donald Trump.” Now, incoming Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro seems to be making good on that namesake by promising a series of major changes to the country.

“One of our strategies to get Brazil to climb from the lowest spots of the educational rankings is to tackle the Marxist garbage in our schools head on. We shall succeed in forming citizens and not political militants,” he tweeted.

He also, according to previous reporting from The Daily Wire, said he would ease the country’s gun laws.​
Jair Bolsonaro, STABBED while campaigning last month, wins Brazil presidency

Brazil's Jair Bolsonaro 'lost 40% of blood in stabbing'


Jair Bolsonaro Undergoes Seven-Hour Surgery for Stab Wounds

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro underwent a seven-hour surgery on Monday in which doctors removed the colostomy bag inserted after a left-wing opponent stabbed him at a campaign rally in September.


“The procedure lasted seven hours and occurred without complications,” Presidential spokesman Gen. Otavio Santana do Rego Barros told reporters, describing the operation as a “work of art.”

A colostomy bag is a small pouch attached to the stomach, used to collect feces from the body when the digestive system cannot function properly as a result of an illness, injury, or other complication.

“At the moment, the patient is clinically stable, conscious, pain-free, in the intensive care unit,” according to a statement from the Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein in São Paulo, where Bolsonaro arrived on Sunday evening.

Bolsonaro will now stay in the hospital for the next ten days, during which he is expected to make a full recovery. His Vice President Hamilton Mourao will take over presidential duties until his return.

The stabbing last September was carried out by SOCIALIST FANATIC Adelio Bispo de Oliveira in a desperate attempt to prevent the 63-year-old from being elected president. Following his arrest, Oliveira claimed he was “ordered by God” to kill the conservative front-runner, having spent almost a decade registered as a member of the nation’s far-left Socialism and Liberty Party (PSOL).

Jair Bolsonaro Undergoes Seven-Hour Surgery for Stab Wounds
He’ll likely win in the runoff…..but you already knew that
He almost definitely will not win in the run-off.

Lula will finish around 48 today and probably 52-54 percent in the run-off. The real question is how will Bolsonaro react to defeat.
Right-wing congressman Jair Bolsonaro won Brazil’s presidential election Sunday with 46 percent of the vote, but will have to face opponent and left-wing former Sao Paulo mayor Fernando Haddad in a runoff election after failing to receive a majority to win outright.

Bolsonaro, who has often been compared to U.S. President Donald Trump, began to rise in the polls after he was stabbed in the stomach at a campaign rally, a testament to how polarizing this election has been for Brazil.

Bolsonaro, a member of the Social Liberty party (PSL), was expected to win, however he edged out Haddad by a larger margin than expected, nearly 18 percentage points.

The former army captain has been referred to as the “Trump of the Tropics” for his provocative statements on several issues ranging from women to gun laws to abortion and immigration, but also for his ability to reach a similar base of Brazilians as Trump did Americans. (WATCH: ‘Brazilian Trump’ Brutally Stabbed During Rally)
“I voted for Bolsonaro because I’m tired of politicians being the same,” Maria Aparecida de Oliveira, a 63-year-old Brazilian housekeeper, told The Sydney Morning Herald.

“Even if he is a little crazy, someone needs to bring change.”

In his victory speech, which he broadcasted live on Facebook and uploaded on Twitter, Bolsonaro said Brazilians could take the path of “prosperity, liberty, family, on God’s side” or the path of Venezuela.

Brazil’s neighboring socialist country of Venezuela has been suffering through a devastating economical collapse in recent months that has driven mass amounts of people out of the country, some headed to Brazil.

‘Trump Of The Tropics’ Wins First Round Of Brazilian Presidential Elections

Nevermind it's an old article
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