EXCLUSIVE: Bolsonaro's Son accuses pollsters of trying to rig Brazilian election, insists his father WILL win run-off after surprisingly strong showing - and credits 'incredible' Trump's video message with mobilizing support

Supporters of President Jair Bolsonaro are seeking an investigation into Sunday's election after he confounded polls and forced the race to a run-off, according to his son.

Eduardo Bolsonaro credited a video message by Donald Trump with helping his father to within five points of leftist leader Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva.

And he said Brazilians expect Trump to return to the White House.

Bolsonaro's son accuses pollsters of interfering in Brazilian election | Daily Mail Online
Lula has defeated Bolsonaro in spite of the incumbent's attempts to suppress turnout in the Northeast.

Now whether Bolsonaro will concede is not as clear.
If Brazil had competent leadership they could be a serious power

Most people dont know how big Brazil actually is because the world map we use, the Mercator Projection, reduces the size of their country by almost half in order to accurately reflect longitude/latitudes on a flat surface rather than a globe. Brazil is like 96% as much landmass as the US...it is HUGE. Not nearly as developed obviously, they have huge natural resources. Bigger than Canada or Mexico, they should be the 2nd most powerful country in the Western Hemisphere ....rather than generally left out of the discussion altogether in western media and forgotten.

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