White Coats for Black Lives (WC4BL), a radical socialist organization of doctors and medical students, is succeeding in its mission to racialize the practice of medicine,
believing that the “dominant medical practice in the United States has been built on the dehumanization and exploitation of Black people.”
With at least 75
chapters at medical schools across the country, WC5BL seeks to radically redefine the practice of medicine in the United States, as it advocated “prioritizing” black patients over other patients and “unlearning toxic medical knowledge and relearning medical care that
centers the needs of Black people and communities,” according to its 16-page missive. [Emphasis added].
Furthermore, the organization believes “whiteness is an invented political tool created through violence in the service of establishing domination,” “whiteness has been historically used as a violent means for stealing lives,” and “racism, capitalism, and white supremacy are interdependent systems which lead to the particular dehumanization, exploitation, and murder of Black people.”
'White Coats for Black Lives' Calling Shots at America's Medical Schools