“It’s Okay to be White” ?

You're talking about a double standard about sensitivity, not explaining how things are actually anti-white.

You can say, "he's as an old, out-of-touch white dude" and the mainstream will not get offended, but that's not necessarily a reflection of anti-white sentiment. That just means we're not overly sensitive about whites.

So if the mainstream gets upset at someone who says "he's just an out-of-touch black guy" does that mean we're overly sensitive about blacks? I'd agree on both cases, but I suspect you would do some handwaving to explain away the notion of mainstream being "overly" sensitive about blacks.
I’m really upset that my ancestors came to this land, ended child sacrifice, brought the wheel, and the scientific method.

It’s disgusting

I understand your point but let's not pretend like they didnt do disgusting things. It's hard to claim the moral high ground when you wipe out an entire race of people to take their land. I don't believe in reparations or anything, there's nothing to be done about history that far away. But let's also not "whitewash" (if I may use that term) it and act like white folks just showed up and crushed the natives out of the kindness of their heart lol.
People want to be victims. There is some anti-white sentiment in the US, just like there is anti-[name the race] sentiment in this country. I think things that are not anti-white (like diversity measures) are being called anti-white so people can claim to be victims.
Do you read Jonathan Haidt at all? He has some fascinating thoughts about the modern-day desirability/fashionability of victimhood. Basically thinks is a modern-day form of the duel. At some point in the future once the trend has passed, we'll look back at the scramble for victimhood like we look back on duels and how stupid they were.

I think Haidt misses the point a little bit - IMO, people want to be thought of as victims and not to actually be one, but it's still an interesting topic.
You're talking about a double standard about sensitivity, not explaining how things are actually anti-white.

You can say, "he's as an old, out-of-touch white dude" and the mainstream will not get offended, but that's not necessarily a reflection of anti-white sentiment. That just means we're not overly sensitive about whites.

It’s beyond that. There’s open racial discrimination against treating white people for Covid. You have college professors openly saying “we have to take white people out”.
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-It is ok to be white
-people are too easily offended on both sides
-public displays like this are dumb on both sides
-just as likely this is some leftist group or political candidate minions trying to drum up a false issue as it is some 4chan or actual redneck joker
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I understand your point but let's not pretend like they didnt do disgusting things. It's hard to claim the moral high ground when you wipe out an entire race of people to take their land. I don't believe in reparations or anything, there's nothing to be done about history that far away. But let's also not "whitewash" (if I may use that term) it and act like white folks just showed up and crushed the natives out of the kindness of their heart lol.

My goal wasn’t really to proclaim a high ground, but I guess if pressed on it I would have to say I’m glad our culture won out.

If you’re proclaiming a genocide took place, I’d have to disagree. A virus killed the majority of natives. Not to deny any horrific act that occurred, they obviously did and many were killed. Many others interbred with settlers, died from small pox, or their descendants still live on reservations today.

What I object to is the weird game we play were we pretend white people are the only people to kill others for land. Have you seen the Microsoft video where the woman lists about 15 different tribes that once called the land they’re on home. The reason there’s so many is obvious. They killed each other for the land. My issue is with revisionist history that makes natives out to be peaceful hippies.
"It's ok to be white" is to white victimhood attention seeking as "Black Lives Matter" is to black victimhood attention seeking.

People who latch to either statement have taken statistically insignificant occurrences of anti-white/anti-black events and amplifed them to the point of using them to form their worldview.
Is it ok though?

I hate you white bastards, you stink. I hate your white skin. I hate your white pants. I hate white salt. I hate white keys on a piano. I hate my gums, because they're white. I hate Tom Hanks lips. I hate the back of Tim Allen’s neck. Most of all, I hate that white-ass Brad Pitt!

(bonus points to anyone who gets this movie reference).
Don't be a Menace To South Central While Drinking Your Juice In The Hood???

I've never seen the movie, but I've heard that version several times on the intro to some song I have.
So if the mainstream gets upset at someone who says "he's just an out-of-touch black guy" does that mean we're overly sensitive about blacks? I'd agree on both cases, but I suspect you would do some handwaving to explain away the notion of mainstream being "overly" sensitive about blacks.

We are definitely overly sensitive about race. I act with sensitivity and I think we should, but it goes too far.
It’s beyond that. There’s open racial discrimination against treating white people for Covid. You have college professors openly saying “we have to take white people out”.

You're talking about radical wackos now, and I thought we were talking about the mainstream.

I have no idea what you're talking about with the COVID thing.
Those wackos are mainstream. That’s the difference. There’s no mainstream right wing equivalent

"We have to take white people out" is not a mainstream sentiment. I have no idea who or what you're talking about and we could poll 100 people at random and I doubt any of them would know what you're talking about. By definition, radicals are not mainstream.
Don't be a Menace To South Central While Drinking Your Juice In The Hood???

I've never seen the movie, but I've heard that version several times on the intro to some song I have.

Give this man 1000 points!!

I’ll make sure Freak takes care of it for you.
"We have to take white people out" is not a mainstream sentiment. I have no idea who or what you're talking about and we could poll 100 people at random and I doubt any of them would know what you're talking about. By definition, radicals are not mainstream.

What was radical 20 years ago is mainstream today. Farrakhan gets asked to speak to congress, Ibram X is treated as a left wing thought leader and Rutgers professors want to take out whites.

You really can’t find right wing equivalents. When’s the last time we invited a klan member to speak before congress? The last time a professor openly called for killing black people?

The problem is black racism is treated with kid gloves.
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You dang right that it’s okay to be a proud member of the race that gave the world both Ernest P Worrell AND Lawrence Welk!!!!!!
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"We have to take white people out" is not a mainstream sentiment. I have no idea who or what you're talking about and we could poll 100 people at random and I doubt any of them would know what you're talking about. By definition, radicals are not mainstream.
Maybe he meant „take white people out …..to dinner“.
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I understand your point but let's not pretend like they didnt do disgusting things. It's hard to claim the moral high ground when you wipe out an entire race of people to take their land. I don't believe in reparations or anything, there's nothing to be done about history that far away. But let's also not "whitewash" (if I may use that term) it and act like white folks just showed up and crushed the natives out of the kindness of their heart lol.

Every race has done it at one time or another.
You're talking about radical wackos now, and I thought we were talking about the mainstream.

I have no idea what you're talking about with the COVID thing.

Here’s some examples of what I mean. The Covid stuff I’m mainly talking about the wide spread sentiment that racial equity instead of age and co morbidities should be the main factor in determining distribution. Now similar things are being done with monoclonal antibodies.

Stanford student senator says ‘White people need to be eradicated’ | The College Fix

New Jersey professor on White people: 'I want to say ... we got to take these motherf---kers out'

Vaccine Distribution—Equity Left Behind?

New York says it will prioritize non-White people in distributing low supply of COVID-19 treatments
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I regard the SJWs that pound home all white people are evil with the same apathy that I give to the 'necks that act like black people are all thugs. They are vocal minorities with hate in their heart and not worth my attention.

As a white man I've never felt discriminated against in this country. Egypt was a different story; they charged me 10x what they charged the locals for anything. I understand the hustle though.
Hold on,
I thought you were Mexican.
Or was it New Mexican?
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People want to be victims so badly.

Yep. This shows they’ll have to blame someone else. Of course I’m sure you see it differently with the millions of illegal invaders from the south who can barely keep their iPhone charged daily.

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