1 million jobs could job

I have encountered alot of people from India in my professional career.

Everyone one of them were family oriented and the hardest workers I ever met.

Frugal as hell though.
That's my problem with 'em. Have only ever had a few small catalyst orders from India, and without exception they want to handle the shipping themselves, which is antithetical to my own preferences and business model. I use FedEx, they want to use DHL, but they don't realize DHL won't let me use THEIR account for shipping "HazMat" class goods (even zinc oxide is classified as HazMat unless it's in special UN packaging with < 5 kg per container; it's Class 9 Environmental Hazard... toxic to aquatic life; if you dump a bunch of it in your aquarium it will kill everything, go figure).

The only deadbeat customer I've had in the last 5-6 years was one of those Indian outfits. Fortunately it was "only" about $3k. No more shipping on credit to India lol.
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I don't disagree but have you honestly dealt with the American talent pool lately?

I know this sounds horrible but alot of it sucks.

The millennials are lazy as hell and dont like being pushed and suck at quotas. If you push them at all they simply quit. It's a real problem.
I’ve actually got no problem with using LEGAL DOCUMENTED immigrant labor to fill jobs if our native population won’t do it. Capitalism in action. However the lazy bastards that won’t work don’t eat or have a roof over their head then. No handouts. Working as intended.
Nothing wrong with being hard working and frugal. There is a problem bringing in hard working and frugal Indian workers and replacing and firing American workers so the company can save a few bucks though.
We used to fly from Paris to Mumbai on the 767. For the pilots the trip was JFK-CDG-BOM. For the flight attendants, they just went JFK-CDG-JFK. We had Indian FAs that did the BOM part. Part of it was because of the way they needed to 'deal' with the Indian people, and part of it was the fact that they were a LOT cheaper than US FAs. That being said, they were awesome. They took great care of the cockpit (fed and hydrated...) and were very attentive to the passengers. But frugality was over the top. They always hung out together and shared meals that they cooked in the crew lounge to save money. I never bothered them, but I always wanted in on some of those dinners... It smelled amazing. But they were smart because we canceled the BOM route and they are all doing something else. It's truly a shame. They were some great people.

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