'10 CA WR/DB Robert Woods

Looks like distance is a major factor for him...probably too much to overcome. But if he still plans to take an official visit to UT, maybe we still have at least an outside chance.
Woods was finally bumped to 5* status at Rivals.com today.

fast fwd to about 2:04.

great hands, leaping ability, speed and overall athleticism.

when you see these catches, you see flashes of what Woods will bring to the college game and beyond.

he could easily enter discussion for best WR, if not best overall player by year's end with these kinds of plays.

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Any news on RB's top list of schools? Any changes since the 7 vs 7's? I haven't heard much news about him lately. We talk so much about Cobbs, Prater, Milton, etc, but I really like this guy.
How do we stand with him. I know he's 'most likely usc ucla but any ideas.

Would also like to know. I wasn't familiar with him until someone brought him up in another thread. Had to rival him. Will he be a WR or DB?
yea they can keep the cali kids id rather have the kids from the south

Eh.... I dislike USC but can't knock what they've done by recruiting kids in their own back yard. Their losses usually come within the Pac 10 so their talent is pretty good. Good enough to win bowl games and OOC games.
You know...the way USC recruits...they should never lose a game unless it's in the NC title game to a team of similar talent...

This is ridiculous...they recruit like this every year...they just cherry pick exactly who they want...

At some point Carroll should start getting drilled by local and national media about how he manages to lose a game a year to an inevitably inferior Pac-10 team

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