10 year show cause/NCAA, Tyndall discussion (merged)

Let me ask you a simple question. A common sense question. The entire 113 page transcript was made available to the media. If anything that Donnie Tyndall and Don Jackson have been saying in numerous radio appearances and about to go national in a 60 minutes segment were untrue, don't you think it would be reported by someone in said media? Does the fact that it is not not give you the indication that their jaws dropped when they found out that the NCAA had given a 10 year show cause to Tyndall with no evidence.
As far as the document, get it from one of your media friends some of you claim to have. There is no reason for me to give any of you guys anything except the truth. You deserve nothing.

You said the appeal was released to the media, not Donnie's personal fan club. Unless you are a part of the media or a part of the legal team, it is hard to believe you have actually read anything and are not just repeating what you may have heard in an interview which would be "hearsay" in the words of Buzz.
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a person who acts in an affected manner in order to impress others.
synonyms: exhibitionist, poseur, posturer, fake; informalshow-off
"he's such a poser"
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a person who acts in an affected manner in order to impress others.
synonyms: exhibitionist, poseur, posturer, fake; informalshow-off
"he's such a poser"

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Big deal! Going to a lot of trouble digging up something, anything to refute me just like the NCAA. You know nothing, buddy! PS Steve Forbes is recruiting and coaching circles around Barnes. That's the point. Looks like RB just wants someone to foot the bill till he retires. An all freshmen team is a good excuse not to do anything for a second year.

You can't even admit that you were wrong in this instance. You're pathetic. Grow a pair, admit it, and maybe you won't be ganged up on. But you seem to cherish it, so I know you won't ever admit that you were wrong.
Big deal! Going to a lot of trouble digging up something, anything to refute me just like the NCAA. You know nothing, buddy! PS Steve Forbes is recruiting and coaching circles around Barnes. That's the point. Looks like RB just wants someone to foot the bill till he retires. An all freshmen team is a good excuse not to do anything for a second year.

This was an easy thing to look up. Astonishing that you act like a child when proven wrong. You still haven't produced the appeal document.
Let me ask you a simple question. A common sense question. The entire 113 page transcript was made available to the media. If anything that Donnie Tyndall and Don Jackson have been saying in numerous radio appearances and about to go national in a 60 minutes segment were untrue, don't you think it would be reported by someone in said media? Does the fact that it is not not give you the indication that their jaws dropped when they found out that the NCAA had given a 10 year show cause to Tyndall with no evidence.
As far as the document, get it from one of your media friends some of you claim to have. There is no reason for me to give any of you guys anything except the truth. You deserve nothing.

Why wouldn't the Tennessean, a Bama paper, a Florida paper, or any other media outlet release it? Especially if it would make Tennessee look bad? The Tennessean is notorious for writing in a way that makes UT look bad, so I'd imagine they'd jump all over it and release it verbatim. If it did all the things you claim it does.
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I was actually one that wanted Tyndall to beat the NCAA's ass. Unfortunately nothing in the information you have provided makes me think that's going to happen.

Like you, I would like to see the NCAA go down in a pile of ashes(my words). I have read only 26 pages of the AA's document thus far and gossipers would have one think that all of the shenanigans that were going on is enough to indict Tyndall, however, the only time he is accused is when Adam Howard told the committee that "he and CDT had met to discuss the academic fraud".

Calban, or anyone else who has read the full document, please tell me where there is proof that Tyndall was part of the whole scheme. Unless you know what was said in each and every phone call or meeting amongst the confederates in this matter, then I can't see any proof that Tyndall knew about what was going on.

I will remain open-minded until all evidence is in!
Like you, I would like to see the NCAA go down in a pile of ashes(my words). I have read only 26 pages of the AA's document thus far and gossipers would have one think that all of the shenanigans that were going on is enough to indict Tyndall, however, the only time he is accused is when Adam Howard told the committee that "he and CDT had met to discuss the academic fraud".

Calban, or anyone else who has read the full document, please tell me where there is proof that Tyndall was part of the whole scheme. Unless you know what was said in each and every phone call or meeting amongst the confederates in this matter, then I can't see any proof that Tyndall knew about what was going on.

I will remain open-minded until all evidence is in!

He deleted his emails that the NCAA was interested in, claiming they were "embarrassing", he called/texted multiple players/high school coaches over 15 times in a matter of 2 hours on his mama's phone (the phone he refused to acknowledge until his 3rd interview), and fabricated a document that was supposedly written 2 years before that was to be used as proof that his compliance officer said that high school coaches paying for stuff for players was acceptable, even though the compliance officer said "we did not have that conversation, and if we had, I would not have said that it was acceptable".
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He deleted his emails that the NCAA was interested in, claiming they were "embarrassing", he called/texted multiple players/high school coaches over 15 times in a matter of 2 hours on his mama's phone (the phone he refused to acknowledge until his 3rd interview), and fabricated a document that was supposedly written 2 years before that was to be used as proof that his compliance officer said that high school coaches paying for stuff for players was acceptable, even though the compliance officer said "we did not have that conversation, and if we had, I would not have said that it was acceptable".
So sorry to tell you all that is BS.
Let me ask you a simple question. A common sense question. The entire 113 page transcript was made available to the media. If anything that Donnie Tyndall and Don Jackson have been saying in numerous radio appearances and about to go national in a 60 minutes segment were untrue, don't you think it would be reported by someone in said media? Does the fact that it is not not give you the indication that their jaws dropped when they found out that the NCAA had given a 10 year show cause to Tyndall with no evidence.
As far as the document, get it from one of your media friends some of you claim to have. There is no reason for me to give any of you guys anything except the truth. You deserve nothing.

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He deleted his emails that the NCAA was interested in, claiming they were "embarrassing", he called/texted multiple players/high school coaches over 15 times in a matter of 2 hours on his mama's phone (the phone he refused to acknowledge until his 3rd interview), and fabricated a document that was supposedly written 2 years before that was to be used as proof that his compliance officer said that high school coaches paying for stuff for players was acceptable, even though the compliance officer said "we did not have that conversation, and if we had, I would not have said that it was acceptable".

I have read what you have posted here and my take on most of it does not prove that Tyndall asked anyone to lie or not be cooperative with the NCAA in this investigation. This would change if someone comes forward and testifies that he did make this request. Only then would this be admissible in court. Tyndall contends that he deleted emails because they contained embarrassing information that was personal, and that could be true or not; so, therefore, they would have to be counted out. So, when it comes to the compliance officer, was it legal or illegal for the high school coaches to pay for stuff for their players who depended on them for support?

Where else in the document does anyone, other than Adam Howard, point the finger of guilt toward Tyndall? Or where does the document have incontrovertible evidence that shows Tyndall to be guilty of academic fraud?
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Wrong on all counts, predictably.
I'm going to 1, 2, 3 this one more time.
1. Dave Hart spoke publicly on Tuesday while Donnie was on his recruiting trip saying the University would stand by DT through the hearing.
2. It was announced by Texas on Wednesday that Rick Barnes was out. A phone call was made. Phone records confirmed for UT.
3. Dave Hart I believe flew to NCAA HQ on Thursday to find out what they had on DT. They fed him the lies told by their immunized witness. He rushed back home, called Tyndall and asked to meet with him on Friday.
4. Hart fired him at 7 AM blindsiding him totally.
6. No search committee. The horse was already in the barn. Barnes said in an interview on Sunday when asked that he might be coaching a lot sooner than you think.
7. Barnes was hired on Monday, the next business day after Tyndall was fired.
8. This little transaction is going to federal court because the NCAA, not content with a lesser penalty, ended his career in violation of the Sherman Antitrust Act. All things necessary to prevail in that case are signed, sealed, and delivered. End of story.
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Well, Buzz, I still can't believe some are so gullible as to think you are me. We are doing a heck of a job convincing them, huh? I mean think about it. If you had all the info I had would you not have used it. You are still questioning stuff I am saying and they think you are me. I can't figure how anybody with common sense would think that. It's a good insight into their thought process about the whole thing. It is just as likely that you and I are the same person as it is DT knew about the academic fraud. Now we know the answer. They can't think.
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Well, Buzz, I still can't believe some are so gullible as to think you are me. We are doing a heck of a job convincing them, huh? I mean think about it. If you had all the info I had would you not have used it. You are still questioning stuff I am saying and they think you are me. I can't figure how anybody with common sense would think that. It's a good insight into their thought process about the whole thing. It is just as likely that you and I are the same person as it is DT knew about the academic fraud. Now we know the answer. They can't think.

Actually, I am trying to get those who assume him to be guilty to give me the proof that brings them to this conclusion and not some assumption. What I have read in the NCAA report is all assumption except for Adam Howard's testimony after receiving immunity. With immunity, why wouldn't anyone lie to save their own ass.

Ruining someone's career, based on a LIE, is a travesty of justice!

BTW, I am not questioning anything that you are saying because I believe you wouldn't say it if it were not so. I just want those who don't like what you are saying to prove the NCAA document is the final say so. They have failed in all attempts, so far!
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I'm going to 1, 2, 3 this one more time.
1. Dave Hart spoke publicly on Tuesday while Donnie was on his recruiting trip saying the University would stand by DT through the hearing.
2. It was announced by Texas on Wednesday that Rick Barnes was out. A phone call was made. Phone records confirmed for UT.
3. Dave Hart I believe flew to NCAA HQ on Thursday to find out what they had on DT. They fed him the lies told by their immunized witness. He rushed back home, called Tyndall and asked to meet with him on Friday.
4. Hart fired him at 7 AM blindsiding him totally.
6. No search committee. The horse was already in the barn. Barnes said in an interview on Sunday when asked that he might be coaching a lot sooner than you think.
7. Barnes was hired on Monday, the next business day after Tyndall was fired.
8. This little transaction is going to federal court because the NCAA, not content with a lesser penalty, ended his career in violation of the Sherman Antitrust Act. All things necessary to prevail in that case are signed, sealed, and delivered. End of story.

If people want to assume what the NCAA's NOA have to say, let's assume that this timeline is as fishy as it gets!

No wonder Hart has those little beady eyes.
Actually, I am trying to get those who assume him to be guilty to give me the proof that brings them to this conclusion and not some assumption. What I have read in the NCAA report is all assumption except for Adam Howard's testimony after receiving immunity. With immunity, why wouldn't anyone lie to save their own ass.

Ruining someone's career, based on a LIE, is a travesty of justice!

BTW, I am not questioning anything that you are saying because I believe you wouldn't say it if it were not so. I just want those who don't like what you are saying to prove the NCAA document is the final say so. They have failed in all attempts, so far!

The NCAA document has more proof than anything SD has provided. I can understand the skepticism in it, I really do, but the whole "I believe SD over a full investigation" is bogus. Especially since SD was wrong about him being kept on, wrong about him not being punished, just showed today that he doesn't pay attention to the details (claiming Forbes didn't get a show cause), and expects us to believe his word when he doesn't provide any documentation, ie the appeal letter, to back up anything. The NCAA document, that has been posted multiple times, is more substantial proof than anything SD has posted in almost 2 years.
I have read what you have posted here and my take on most of it does not prove that Tyndall asked anyone to lie or not be cooperative with the NCAA in this investigation. This would change if someone comes forward and testifies that he did make this request. Only then would this be admissible in court. Tyndall contends that he deleted emails because they contained embarrassing information that was personal, and that could be true or not; so, therefore, they would have to be counted out. So, when it comes to the compliance officer, was it legal or illegal for the high school coaches to pay for stuff for their players who depended on them for support?

Where else in the document does anyone, other than Adam Howard, point the finger of guilt toward Tyndall? Or where does the document have incontrovertible evidence that shows Tyndall to be guilty of academic fraud?

It was illegal, since the officer said that he would never tell Tyndall that it was ok. And Tyndall claims that the officer said it was ok, but the officer's story didn't match Tyndall's. That's in the NCAA document too.
What is? The NCAA has the phone records of those calls/texts, the compliance officer's story about the stated document does not match Tyndall's.

I think you were joking when you said he would try to say there were other people using is mama's phone.
He did actually say that. So some of those 15-20 attempted calls to players , coaches and assistants were by others he lent the phone to.

Got all his bases covered? :crazy: Anats pruf he dint doit.
I'm going to 1, 2, 3 this one more time.
1. Dave Hart spoke publicly on Tuesday while Donnie was on his recruiting trip saying the University would stand by DT through the huearing.
2. It was announced by Texas on Wednesday that Rick Barnes was out. A phone call was made. Phone records confirmed for UT.
3. Dave Hart I believe flew to NCAA HQ on Thursday to find out what they had on DT. They fed him the lies told by their immunized witness. He rushed back home, called Tyndall and asked to meet with him on Friday.
4. Hart fired him at 7 AM blindsiding him totally.
6. No search committee. The horse was already in the barn. Barnes said in an interview on Sunday when asked that he might be coaching a lot sooner than you think.
7. Barnes was hired on Monday, the next business day after Tyndall was fired.
8. This little transaction is going to federal court because the NCAA, not content with a lesser penalty, ended his career in violation of the Sherman Antitrust Act. All things necessary to prevail in that case are signed, sealed, and delivered. End of story.

You don't believe the phone/text records of Mama Tyndall's phone regards to the contacting of players/high school coaches to be uncooperative, but you 100% believe these phone records, which no one has seen but you (like the 113 page appeal letter), to try claim that it was a big conspiracy theory?
What is? The NCAA has the phone records of those calls/texts, the compliance officer's story about the stated document does not match Tyndall's.

Does the NCAA have a tape recording about what was said on the calls and can they produce documentation on the messages that were sent on the texts?

Also, is it legal or illegal for a high school coach to pay for stuff for an athlete if they are deemed to be the primary means, or legally approved as a means, of support? If the answer is illegal, then you may have something; if legal, then you need to keep searching!
Does the NCAA have a tape recording about what was said on the calls and can they produce documentation on the messages that were sent on the texts?

Also, is it legal or illegal for a high school coach to pay for stuff for an athlete if they are deemed to be the primary means, or legally approved as a means, of support? If the answer is illegal, then you may have something; if legal, then you need to keep searching!

Does SD have a recording to prove that Hart had this big conspiracy to get Barnes? It goes both ways. But you have no problem swallowing that garbage up, simply because SD says so.
Does SD have a recording to prove that Hart had this big conspiracy to get Barnes? It goes both ways. But you have no problem swallowing that garbage up, simply because SD says so.

Answering my question with a question is not sufficient. The only document that I have knowledge of is the NOA that was issued by the NCAA. I have asked what proof does it show that Tyndall knew about the academic fraud that occurred at S. Miss and nothing has yet been shown.

I remain open-minded until someone can show that the NCAA has something other than Adam Howard's testimony saying that Tyndall set the whole thing up. I do know that Don Jackson submitted a 113 page appeal to the NCAA and they replied 19 hours after they were suppose to do so.

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