$100 A Barrel Oil is on the Way

This was all well-known when the price was 30% higher. Old news for a market that is forward-looking.
Look I showed you the damn graph above on the cost of US oil now per barrel. As usual you’re an answer looking for a question on the topic. It was over priced at $75 per barrel.

Here’s another tidbit. The largest oil producer in the world can produce oil at $60 a barrel and cheaper than most of the OPEC countries so the price is probably gonna be closer to that7E111A91-6DAE-49D6-BC42-F9A9396D7D03.png
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From back in May, 2017

Saudi vs Shale: The Breakeven Myth | OilPrice.com

But a lot of others are pinning their hopes for the future of the industry precisely on shale. One July 2016 article from the Financial Times citeda Wood Mackenzie forecast that, in the long run, about 60 percent of economically viable oil at price levels of US$60 a barrel lies in the U.S. shale formations, not in Saudi Arabia’s desert fields. Analysts are vocally praising the shale industry for its achievements in cost-cutting and efficiency enhancement, although the latter is also a point of contention with some attributing the “efficiency enhancement” to oilfield service providers’ discounts.

So, Saudi Arabia is pumping almost the cheapest oil in the world, yet the IMF projects that the kingdom requires oil prices of $83 per barrel in order to balance its budget. This, of course, is because the Saudi budget relies very heavily on oil revenues. This year, oil will account for 69 percent of the budget revenue, or US$128 billion, up 46 percent from 2016. Total revenue for Saudi Arabia in 2017 is forecast at US$184.5 billion, while total expenditure is slated to rise to US$237.3 billion.
Oil was over priced. I’d say it’s correcting. Probably undershot a tad but 60 a barrel a sweet spot for US production.

You could be right--just a correction. Two points, though:

--In the short-term, the market price has little relation to the cost of production. Alberta oil is under $20. They gotta be losing money.

Oil Prices Plunge Below $15 In Canada | OilPrice.com

--Another theory is that the oil price drop is a canary in the coal mine and global growth has stalled.

I guess we'll soon find out.
The price correction was a combination of factors I think.

First, over-supply is an issue this quarter and next. We didn’t need OPEC to return their 1.8 MMbbl/d of production, but they did because they feared supply shock with the Iranian sanctions. When the waivers were issued, this significantly loosened 4Q and 1Q balances. As in, to the tune of 1 MMbbl/d or so. Furthermore, Saudi has been exporting like crazy as they empty stocks since the beginning of November (something they often do right before they cut production). So this has been a physical flow of about 800 kbbl/d more than the market would have seen even a month before.

Pair all of this with gasoline being an absolute dog and providing no product support and you get a big sell off.

That alone still wasn’t enough. That was the first 15-20 dollars since Kashoggi was killed (look at that timing and the peak). Financial flow caught the rest. The US is now the world’s biggest producer and all of those producers had big hedges on from $55 to $60 WTI. So when the market hit those levels, the banks had to start selling huge amounts of futures against the other side of those hedges to manage their risk. That was why we saw the $5 dollar drop days.
Say thank you, please. Taking all the credit for the country being better after he left office. He’s channeling his inner Trump. Lmao

Ok so I gotta ask....

Tumscalcium equals TC.
Your avatar is TC.
On purpose or coincidence?

Unless your name is Theodore Calvin....
Ok so I gotta ask....

Tumscalcium equals TC.
Your avatar is TC.
On purpose or coincidence?

Unless your name is Theodore Calvin....
Ha. I had realized after a bit that tumscalcium is Tums Calcium. I’m a big fan of Magnum and I liked TC’s character a lot. It was too fitting.
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Ha. I had realized after a bit that tumscalcium is Tums Calcium. I’m a big fan of Magnum and I liked TC’s character a lot. It was too fitting.

So you have a Tagalog phrase for what and you love Magnum.

Your like my doppelgänger if I was nice.

The provincial government gets royalties at local price - so with a basis of over $40 to Cushing recently, they had extra motivation to fix this issue. By cutting production they’ll increase the provincial revenue while also helping out the little guys. The Exxons of the world have been absolutely killing it with low royalty but while having takeaway secured meaning healthy prices for their barrles as well. This was definitely needed - but some of the big guys won’t be happy.
The provincial government gets royalties at local price - so with a basis of over $40 to Cushing recently, they had extra motivation to fix this issue. By cutting production they’ll increase the provincial revenue while also helping out the little guys. The Exxons of the world have been absolutely killing it with low royalty but while having takeaway secured meaning healthy prices for their barrles as well. This was definitely needed - but some of the big guys won’t be happy.

I was really surprised to see the huge spread between what WTI trades for and what Alberta trades for.
I was really surprised to see the huge spread between what WTI trades for and what Alberta trades for.

It got crazy late this year. What was a little surprising was the production inelasticity. It even spilled over into the Bakken. Their basis was almost zero and then fell ten dollars.
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No OPEC deal, apparently.

I think there will be a deal.

My question is more whether it will be 1 MBPD cut total with Russia or whether Russia will add 200 kbpd on top of that.

Seems like a sticking point is Iran. Saudi and Russia want everyone baselined from Oct 18 production. But Iran was already cutting by then due to sanctions. So they want their baseline to be 3.7 MBPD, not 3.3 (Oct 18 level).
@TennTradition I saw a tweet about somewhere (possibly Russia or another cold weather place) and it indicated the drillers are unable to cut production right now. Do you know why that might be?
@TennTradition I saw a tweet about somewhere (possibly Russia or another cold weather place) and it indicated the drillers are unable to cut production right now. Do you know why that might be?

Yeah Novak said it about Russia.

I think that it is just an issue of accessibility and having the crews out in the field. I don’t think it’s an issue to run at lower production during the winter (they did it all last winter), just to get out in the field and bring the production down.
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Cut agreed to

.8 from OPEC

.4 from Russia

I wonder if Russia stepped up and took a bigger cut so that Saudi would agree to Iran receiving an exemption.

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