Ole Miss looks strong..and Chad Kelley is an accurate QB.
Kelly is shredding these fools.
Dobbs would have to get the short pass to them first. One hopping a 5 yard pass won't do much.
I personally have a weakness for Florida states. My high school was the Atlanta Seminoles lol we had falcon jerseys and FSU helmets with the FSU fight song
Kelly so far is the best QB I have seen on the field this early in the 2016 season. Not only his accuracy but he is doing the little things great as well. Eyes this way, fake that way, then the ball goes out complete somewhere else. UGA will see us with at least a loss to Ole Miss before we see them in Athens.
OK. We choose to look at it differently. Dobbs is a 60% career passer getting no help from the wrs and negative help from the oline. He gets enough to them for one to make a play. The other td Kelly didn't get it to the wr, but he made a play. Our wrs need to do that.