Andrew Gantz ‏@AGantz3 52m
At times we may have to walk a different path than expected; but in the end the destination is inevitable #gogetwhatyouwant #DreamBIG
Andrew Gantz ‏@AGantz3 52m
At times we may have to walk a different path than expected; but in the end the destination is inevitable #gogetwhatyouwant #DreamBIG
Andrew Gantz ‏@AGantz3 52m
At times we may have to walk a different path than expected; but in the end the destination is inevitable #gogetwhatyouwant #DreamBIG
Really hope this doesn't turn into a mistake. Having gantz and medley would have been great and meant maybe we wouldn't have to recruit a kicker for a while.
In his defense we picked up two kickers, the transfer from Wyoming and Medley. I wouldnt be happy with picking up two players at my position after I agreed to walk on either
In his defense we picked up two kickers, the transfer from Wyoming and Medley. I wouldnt be happy with picking up two players at my position after I agreed to walk on either