'14 GA RB Treyvon Paulk (UT Signee 2/5/14)

"We'll continue to look into that situation, just like we do with every single player, and certain criteria, is that being met, and then what's best for Tennessee football and for Treyvon in moving forward as well."

Key sentence to me. Sounds like if he keeps his head on the straight and narrow, he will be back.

Very similar things were said by Butch concerning Pig when he was suspended, and everyone thought he wouldn't be back. Positive signs, IMO.
If it was that big of a concern, you would think he would not have offered Bussey a BS or nothing knowing he would walk? I think Butch does see it as a concern. More so looking beyond 2016. He will address that concern by taking a couple backs in 2016.

Perhaps because he didn't have an initial counter to burn on a guy who was coming off a torn ACL, but had a sense that Paulk was going to pull it out after all. It's amazing how easy the logic can be when you assume the coach has a purpose other than screwing recruits.
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Perhaps because he didn't have an initial counter to burn on a guy who was coming off a torn ACL, but had a sense that Paulk was going to pull it out after all. It's amazing how easy the logic can be when you assume the coach has a purpose other than screwing recruits.

I'm just waiting for the reasoning behind a player being dismissed and gone for 5+ months and everyone in the program knows he did "nothing wrong". Should be interesting.
I think Paulk will be back, but when is now the issue. He would have to keep his nose clean, and I suspect any other issues will result in immediate dismissal. The situation with AJ/Williams is cramping CBJ's position on reinstatement. The longer that case drags out the tougher it is to reinstate. I would look for reinstatement to fall either before or after the Spring workouts. He will likely at least work out for the summer with the team to get back in shape and ready for fall camp.

It a shame that he most likely won't be available for the spring practices. We are so thin right now. He could get some valuable reps.
I'm just waiting for the reasoning behind a player being dismissed and gone for 5+ months and everyone in the program knows he did "nothing wrong". Should be interesting.

We don't know what the situation truly is. There is obviously some things that were done that CBJ feels need to be atoned for or worked out before Treyvon will be allowed back on the team. That would lead me to believe that while he is clearly not squeaky clean in this scenario it is not something so heinous that there is no coming back from it. In the past two years, both Lane and Pig have worked out issues that kept them off the team for a while and they came back to play. It appears that if Treyvon walks the line and does what he needs to do to satisfy the coaches and team then he will be back at some point. I believe both Lane and Pig missed Spring ball so I would guess Summer session would be the earliest he would be back. Apparently he is still hanging out and communicating with the team so I think that is a positive sign. This is all JMO of course.
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We don't know what the situation truly is. There is obviously some things that were done that CBJ feels need to be atoned for or worked out before Treyvon will be allowed back on the team. That would lead me to believe that while he is clearly not squeaky clean in this scenario it is not something so heinous that there is no coming back from it. In the past two years, both Lane and Pig have worked out issues that kept them off the team for a while and they came back to play. It appears that if Treyvon walks the line and does what he needs to do to satisfy the coaches and team then he will be back at some point. I believe both Lane and Pig missed Spring ball so I would guess Summer session would be the earliest he would be back. Apparently he is still hanging out and communicating with the team so I think that is a positive sign. This is all JMO of course.

Could be. I've never said Butch couldn't allow the kid back. I've just said I wouldn't. The talk of "he did nothing wrong", just never made a bit of sense at all with how it's played out.
We don't know what the situation truly is. There is obviously some things that were done that CBJ feels need to be atoned for or worked out before Treyvon will be allowed back on the team. That would lead me to believe that while he is clearly not squeaky clean in this scenario it is not something so heinous that there is no coming back from it. In the past two years, both Lane and Pig have worked out issues that kept them off the team for a while and they came back to play. It appears that if Treyvon walks the line and does what he needs to do to satisfy the coaches and team then he will be back at some point. I believe both Lane and Pig missed Spring ball so I would guess Summer session would be the earliest he would be back. Apparently he is still hanging out and communicating with the team so I think that is a positive sign. This is all JMO of course.

Get outta here with this logic.
Could be. I've never said Butch couldn't allow the kid back. I've just said I wouldn't. The talk of "he did nothing wrong", just never made a bit of sense at all with how it's played out.

I am glad that Butch makes these calls and not any of us. He has shown, IMO, that he will make the call he thinks is the best for UT Football. We should just sit back and relax until there is something more concrete to discuss. I know we won't but we should. :)
I am glad that Butch makes these calls and not any of us. He has shown, IMO, that he will make the call he thinks is the best for UT Football. We should just sit back and relax until there is something more concrete to discuss. I know we won't but we should. :)

Someday Butch will come to his senses and stop doing things that are working so well. Coaching with trepidation and fear will rule out in the end...all the top coaches of top college programs will tell you that...they just won't do it themselves. :)
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Someday Butch will come to his senses and stop doing things that are working so well. Coaching with trepidation and fear will rule out in the end...all the top coaches of top college programs will tell you that...they just won't do it themselves. :)

And then people will want to know why he started recruiting and coaching scared. Why did he hang on to that guy when the better guy wanted in. WHY!!!! :eek:
Paulk was almost guaranteed to return before all the recent bad press hit with AJ and the Tennessean witch hunts. I still think there is a very good chance he's back. Butch wants him back and he is a perfect number three back for us.
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Paulk was almost guaranteed to return before all the recent bad press hit with AJ and the Tennessean witch hunts. I still think there is a very good chance he's back. Butch wants him back and he is a perfect number three back for us.

The Great and Powerful Wizard of Bob has spoken! Now you should all just go home.

J/K Bob. :)
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And perhaps, just maybe, CBJ believes in the concept of redemption. So Paulk may in fact have screwed up, and CBJ may still see a role for him on the team if he meets the requirements...whatever those are. Obviously it worked out pretty well for Pig.

But we do tend to be a pretty self-righteous bunch around here, grouping failures into 1) simple mistakes that are forgivable vs 2) heinous Hell-bound crimes that must be banished. The truth is that when we judge ourselves better than another...as compared to absolute standard of goodness...we are like a homeless wino feeling superior to another homeless wino because he has a $20 bill is his pocket. Relative to ultimate goodness, we all pretty much all bankrupt...so redemption might turn out to be a pretty useful thing. Just sayin'.
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And perhaps, just maybe, CBJ believes in the concept of redemption. So Paulk may in fact have screwed up, and CBJ may still see a role for him on the team if he meets the requirements...whatever those are. Obviously it worked out pretty well for Pig.

But we do tend to be a pretty self-righteous bunch around here, grouping failures into 1) simple mistakes that are forgivable vs 2) heinous Hell-bound crimes that must be banished. The truth is that when we judge ourselves better than another...as compared to absolute standard of goodness...we are like a homeless wino feeling superior to another homeless wino because he has a $20 bill is his pocket. Relative to ultimate goodness, we all pretty much all bankrupt...so redemption might turn out to be a pretty useful thing. Just sayin'.

I feel like you're unfairly judging homeless winos.
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We don't know what the situation truly is. There is obviously some things that were done that CBJ feels need to be atoned for or worked out before Treyvon will be allowed back on the team. That would lead me to believe that while he is clearly not squeaky clean in this scenario it is not something so heinous that there is no coming back from it. In the past two years, both Lane and Pig have worked out issues that kept them off the team for a while and they came back to play. It appears that if Treyvon walks the line and does what he needs to do to satisfy the coaches and team then he will be back at some point. I believe both Lane and Pig missed Spring ball so I would guess Summer session would be the earliest he would be back. Apparently he is still hanging out and communicating with the team so I think that is a positive sign. This is all JMO of course.

Basically, life is not usually black and white but shades of gray. Most people typically realize this as they gain life experience. Still waitin' on our buddy, Leb.
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So let's get all of this straight. Paulk is out with his football buddies having a good time checking out the girls, spots one in particular and turns to the guys and says, "Watch this..." He walks over to the girl in question and just punches her in the face, walks calmly back over the his bros and off they go laughing. Does that about cover it?

Ridiculous. Two sides to every story. Maybe Butch knows both sides. That's his job to determine, not ours. Hope he makes it back if Butch determines he is worthy. Could really help the depth if he does.
Paulk was almost guaranteed to return before all the recent bad press hit with AJ and the Tennessean witch hunts. I still think there is a very good chance he's back. Butch wants him back and he is a perfect number three back for us.

Your sources know WTF The Anita chicks issue is with being on an obvious TN witch hunt? Next month she will write a story about a sexual assault in 1992.

I think Butch is going to have to cross every T and dot every I if he lets Paulk back. documention such as a written statement from the girl would be nice but that's prob a little much to ask
Not getting Paulk back would be a HUGE blow to us, possibly a difference of a game we win or lose IMO. (Depending on injuries)
We don't know what the situation truly is. There is obviously some things that were done that CBJ feels need to be atoned for or worked out before Treyvon will be allowed back on the team. That would lead me to believe that while he is clearly not squeaky clean in this scenario it is not something so heinous that there is no coming back from it. In the past two years, both Lane and Pig have worked out issues that kept them off the team for a while and they came back to play. It appears that if Treyvon walks the line and does what he needs to do to satisfy the coaches and team then he will be back at some point. I believe both Lane and Pig missed Spring ball so I would guess Summer session would be the earliest he would be back. Apparently he is still hanging out and communicating with the team so I think that is a positive sign. This is all JMO of course.
The way Paulk's situation has been handled has also reminded me of the way Marlin Lane and Pig Howard's situations were handled.

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