'14 GA S Cortez McDowell (UT Signee 2/5/14)

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I understand the comments of some that Butch has only landed legacies thus far as big time recruits. I also understand that it's a loooong way to NSD, that we have an entire season to play, and that a lot can happen between then and now.

Still... we seem to be getting a lot of legit interest from a lot of big time '14 recruits. And I like it!

Jalen Hurd is a Legacy? How?
Jalen Hurd is a Legacy? How?

Two for two on the comments calling me out. TKJr is a legacy, Hurd grew up a Vol fan. I don't necessarily agree, but others in wait and see mode about Jones have insinuated that they "don't count" because of this (despite Hurd saying he wasn't coming here under Dooley). Obviously Paulk is a huge pull...

My point was intended to be positive. Despite our "subpar" recruiters (according to some) we've got tons of momentum with a lot of talented kids from '14. I don't remember it being like this the last few years. Feels more like it did when Kiffin was recruiting.
Two for two on the comments calling me out. TKJr is a legacy, Hurd grew up a Vol fan. I don't necessarily agree, but others in wait and see mode about Jones have insinuated that they "don't count" because of this (despite Hurd saying he wasn't coming here under Dooley). Obviously Paulk is a huge pull...

My point was intended to be positive. Despite our "subpar" recruiters (according to some) we've got tons of momentum with a lot of talented kids from '14. I don't remember it being like this the last few years. Feels more like it did when Kiffin was recruiting.

Heck if Hurd doesn't count I don't know what does. Under that thinking half of florida's team doesn't count as most are from florida and would venture alot grew up florida fans. Bottom line is if they sign they count, as far as the former players sons that have committed I venture to say say that Kelly would not have committed to Dooley and Hurd who is not a legacy player would not be committed either. Some want to find away to scrutinize Butch Jones at this juncture but using this theory is weak as a wet paper bag.GO BIG ORANGE!!!
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These few fans need to get on board the BIG ORANGE is coming, and some on here cant stand it, I dont understand why people are not on board, Butch will bring the BIG ORANGE NATION SEC AND NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS in the years ahead, WE ARE COMING AND COMING FAST.:peace2:

Sorry.... got absolutely NO choice on this one..... Twss
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So now jbeard is all of a sudden pretending to be an insider of some sort? Is this real life? lol

Not an insider so to speak. Iv got a friend that is at independence high school a lot and knows the coaches and Vic's dad.! I know iv said Vol74 is Vic's dad. I could be wrong, but me and my friend know we're pretty close to guessing who it is. If its not Vic's dad it's someone in that inner circle that's at that school. No it's not a player or student. Vic's dad was a recruiter for Knox Webb. Now he's a teacher, track coach, and helps out on the fball team. My friend deals with all fball, baseball, band, and other sports in middle tn. Buy me telling you that you can guess what his job is. He's a vol fan that has good relationships with coaches so he asks what's up with certain players.
Not an insider so to speak. Iv got a friend that is at independence high school a lot and knows the coaches and Vic's dad.! I know iv said Vol74 is Vic's dad. I could be wrong, but me and my friend know we're pretty close to guessing who it is. If its not Vic's dad it's someone in that inner circle that's at that school. No it's not a player or student. Vic's dad was a recruiter for Knox Webb. Now he's a teacher, track coach, and helps out on the fball team. My friend deals with all fball, baseball, band, and other sports in middle tn. Buy me telling you that you can guess what his job is. He's a vol fan that has good relationships with coaches so he asks what's up with certain players.

Cool. Any idea when Rashaan is signing up? 😉
No I believe he is just connecting the dots. Vol74 pops up in this thread and then we here the commit will actually be the O&W game. I wholeheartedly agree with jbeard

Well, yeah. We all know it's Cortez. But jbeard was posting in other threads last night with the same style of he has some insider info. Just odd that he went from a jerk poster who was always negative and trolling to now he's an insider? Skeptical.
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Well, yeah. We all know it's Cortez. But jbeard was posting in other threads last night with the same style of he has some insider info. Just odd that he went from a jerk poster who was always negative and trolling to now he's an insider? Skeptical.

Codyg hacked his account
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Well, yeah. We all know it's Cortez. But jbeard was posting in other threads last night with the same style of he has some insider info. Just odd that he went from a jerk poster who was always negative and trolling to now he's an insider? Skeptical.

Maybe the fact that he's normally all negative means this news is more likely to be true, because it's positive? I don't know, just playing devil's advocate.
Well, yeah. We all know it's Cortez. But jbeard was posting in other threads last night with the same style of he has some insider info. Just odd that he went from a jerk poster who was always negative and trolling to now he's an insider? Skeptical.

I was never negative or a jerk. I just don't believe that every recruit is ours like you do. Reading comprehension goes a long way. Why haven't you put me on ignore yet?
Cool. Any idea when Rashaan is signing up? 😉

It's a Vandy vs UT battle. My friend actually talked to him a few weeks ago. Kid is fast. Vic runs a 4.4 and Rahsaan is faster than him. According to Vic's dad.

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