Well, we haven't heard from DaVonte today so it's hard to tell. You'll recall that yeterday, he told our Kipp Adams he was torn, and that he had to talk to his folks to figure things out. He did mention he thought UT's roster was better for early PT.
At Auburn, the Tigers have felt like they have a fairly good shot. But ... they really aren't 100% sure what he will do. Our folks in Knoxville are sort of getting the same vibe. UT apparently thinks it will keep him, but until he signs will probably be a little worried.
As for me, I still don't have a prediction. Just isn't enough info available pointing to either school. I said yeterday, I was leaning slightly toward UT because 1. he was, after all, committed there and 2. liked the roster better than Auburn's.
But ... I'm not feeling comfortable with a pick of either right now.
Vols fans have always been good -- no make that great -- to me, but a few were upset when we reported a couple weeks ago that a source close to Lambert thought he would flip to Auburn. At that time, it was pointed out Lambert was maintining he was 100% to UT and wasn't even looking at other schools, so we were accused of having an agenda. Since then, Lambert has sort of shut things down, allowed Auburn an in-home (Vols had one, too), and then told Kipp he's torn.
So obviously, there wasn't just smoke.
At this time, however, I just don't feel comfortable making a pick.
It wouldn't shock me if he stuck with UT. It woulsn't shock me if he flipped.Is that a cop out? Well, yeah, I guess it is. But the truth is, I'm not sure what Lambert will do.
He was on the fence yesterday. I'm on the fence today.
Sounds like it has been a tough decision for him. I would ask that if this pick doesn't go your way, let's not start bad-mouthing him.
**** As always, if any new info comes in, I will pass it along.
7:38 p.m. update: Even though Lambert will announce around 3 p.m., apparently he may be sending fax in between 8 and 10. So team that gets him will know before his announcement.