Even though UT hasn't had many off the field arrests under Butch, we sure had our fare share under Fulmer.
Sure. And Kiffin, and to a slightly lesser extent Dooley. And we'll have some under Jones, too. That's not in any way a condemnation of Jones, who runs a pretty tight ship. It's just the reality of having 105 18-22 year old college guys in your organization, especially when those guys are D1 SEC football players who are treated like royalty in their orange-bleeding, college football-obsessed town.
Sure, the coaches are responsible for maintaing a team culture of discipline and accountability, but they're not mommy and daddy and they can't be there all the time, nor should they be. And, though some aren't going to like this, here's the honest-to-God truth: The players are no different than any other college students in terms of what they like to socially partake in. You can interpret that however you like, but anyone who's ever spent any time around college athletes knows it's true. If the public doesn't hear about it, it's because they didn't get caught. That's the reality of it. And sometimes they do get caught (See: Johnson, AJ). It doesn't make them "troubled kids", or "character risks", or however old white guys who rabble on ESPN or radio want to define that. It just makes them normal college kids. But make no mistake about it; it happens every weekend, and the best that we can hope for as fans is for that they're smart enough about it to stay out of the limelight.
That being said, I make no excuses for those who choose to drive drunk, steal, or harm others.