Butch offered Weatherd on the basis of his staff's evaluation, prior to ratings by some ratings services. Shortly thereafter he gets rated 4 stars and everyone is impressed that Butch saw it before others. Butch offers young Mr. Dews, who clearly hasn't really been evaluated...and everyone blows up. Why? Trust please. At least for a little while.
You have every right to be annoyed. Some folks here have been pretty stupid. The problem is that you don't know who is on the other side of the screen name. Could be a 53 year old father of 4 with wisdom and patience...or a 17 year old punk. Relax. If Jerome is what the staff believes him to be, in the future you will hear Neyland filled with 100k people screaming "De-ooooooooooooo-ws!!!!" after he puts the opposing QB face down in the turf. Nobody, least of all him, will remember the nonsense and confusion surrounding his commitment.
That said...with no official confirmation that his commitment had been accepted, and the general rule that Tennessee normally only takes players confirmed by recruiting services to be SEC grade talent, you really shouldn't get too hung up on those expressing doubt. It's nothing personal, I'm sure. And if for some reason it is, remember that some in here, perhaps even many in here, are those 17 year old punks I mentioned earlier...or perhaps 43 year old punks...with the operative word being 'punk'.
Welcome to Big Orange Country.