I $$$$ bet $$$$ Auburn $$$$ is $$$$$ up $$$$ to $$$$ their $$$$ old $$$$ recruiting $$$$ tactics $$$$. I hope we can hold on to PW and land this CP as well. But $$$$ remember $$$$ last $$$$ weekend $$$$ when $$$$ the $$$$ UTjr $$$$$ commit $$$$ decommits $$$$ while $$$$ at $$$$ the $$$$ Barn, $$$$ then $$$$ commits $$$$ to $$$$ the $$$$ Barn $$$$. Right $$$$ after $$$$ that $$$$ on $$$$ his $$$$ twitter $$$$ account $$$$ post $$$$ a $$$$ picture $$$$ holding $$$$ huge $$$$ stack $$$$ of $$$$ $20 bills $$$$. MONEY MONEY MONEY MONNNNEY MONEY