the word is that rucker intercepted it and reported it to the 247 guys. They contacted the ut ad to let them know about it and the ad said they would be looking into the source of the leak. It appears they feared this investigation would put a damper on signing day so they decided to push the investigation out several weeks. The volquest guys were interviewed and brice initially said, "i had no knowledge whatsoever of this situation until monday morning. Ive learned a lot more about this process in the last three days than i knew or had talked about in the last 40 years that ive put together staged recruiting interviews prior to signing day. Let me just say that my personal recruiting video production philosophy, my mentality, has always been to make things as difficult as possible for an intern to accidentally cause a video to be leaked. Fortenberrys personal preferences on his interview videos are something that he can talk about in much better detail and information than i could possibly provide."
the rumor was that fortenberry wasn't too pleased with brice throwing him under the bus, but decided he better quickly have a press conference himself. He appeared disheveled and nervous. He went on to say, "i have a certain process i go through in letting the interns know how to prepare my video interviews. They also know how i like my balls broken in and the feel i like my balls to have. But i would never ask them to cause a video to be leaked. Other than that, i don't know anything about anything."
a couple of days later, hubbs had a very angry press conference where he said he expected that volquest would be exonerated and he expected a full apology from the ut ad when that happened and that he did not appreciate how they had been handling this situation.
Brice held another press conference soon after that where he said they had conducted numerous experiments with fake video interviews and were able to duplicate how these would be leaked. "we all know that the internet is a function of the electrons traveling through copper wires or possibly light travelling through fiber optics. Its a function of that. We go through a process of vigorous rubbing of both our balls and our videos before we release them. So if theres activity in the video tape relative to the rubbing process, i think that explains why when we gave it to the interns and the interns put it at say c:\volquest\video-interviews\2015\signing-day, if thats in fact what they did, that once the videos reached its equilibrium state it probably was closer to"