There is a poster in the Miami forum that says he knows his parents and they want him to follow CLS to TN. He also said that his parents were also coming on the visit.:thumbsup:
Both schools have had 293 players drafted into professional football so where does this UT, SCar and other SEC bottom feeders can't produce pro talent like UM come from? That doesn't include the numerous FA's who are currently on or made rosters at one time, like Justin Coleman, Britton Colquitt, Tiny, James Stone etc. The very best game I've attended to this day was the 2003 victory over UM in the old Orange Bowl. The collegiate allegiances in SoFL come and go like a summer thunderstorm. It's comical and embarrassing at the same time.
Honesty I am surprised UM does as well as they do in recruiting. Their workout facilities are probably the worst in the ACC. You have to drive 15 miles to play on Saturday. Can you imagine not having a stadium on/near campus? So during official visits you round up the recruits put them in a van and drive 45 minutes (in Miami traffic) to get to the game which usually has about 25% - 30% attendance....