People can scold me all they want. I honestly feel like there are two better "LB's" In the state than Bituli. We have one in Hart.
Bituli projects as WDE or edge player (LEO, JACK, etc..) imo.
His wrestling experience should help with being physical. It shows on his film as well.
From what I can see his lateral quickness is very average. He does not play with good pad-level.
If you look at his highlight tape, one thing that stands out is he's almost never blocked. I mean his competition is awful- not his fault tho.
It takes him to long to get his momentum going.
He's a little stiff. Doesn't have good bend.
One thing I DO like is he hustles. He has a pretty good motor and seems to enjoy the game of football
He is another Chris Donald, except less athletic...
He's a big kid who can move pretty well for his size, but if he has to change directions -which happens a lot in football- then he will have trouble recovering.
To summarize
- needs to play lower
- needs to work on his feet.
- improve flexibility.
And D1 you make a good point. Camps help kids better through competition. Why not go? Whether it's your camp or someone else's. And you don't have to go all summer or spring, but go to a few to get better..