New totals from lift a thon last night >> bench 285 squat 425 (coach told him to stop there, didnt want injury) He has worked hard for a long time. I have been a Vol Fan all my life, and he was named after Manning. My first date with his mom was at the Citrus bowl against Ohio State. His goal is to play at Tennessee. If he is blessed enough to get an offer, it would be amazing. It is wierd seeing my son being discussed on a forum page. Have a good day guys. #gbo my twitter>>> @WilliamsVFL He has a long way to go and a lot to prove.(BTW, Tim Tebow special "The Chosen One" on ESPN inspired him when he was in 4th grade to work hard and be a good kid. I owe Tebow for that.They have never met, but Peyton sent Tebow a autographed pic of himself in the 4th grade..lmao..Pey said "Everyone probably asks him for stuff, I want to give him something.") funny kid