17 year old Singer canceled for saying “African American phrases” such as “Y’all”

That is stupid as hell. That’s dumber than e-sports and I’m an original gamer, have been since my teenage years.
Hmmm,, let me think 🤔 , play video games at home in boxers or making a living doing the same thing making millions.
Yeah, I agree, you’re right, that is so dumb.
Hmmm,, let me think 🤔 , play video games at home in boxers or making a living doing the same thing making millions.
Yeah, I agree, you’re right, that is so dumb.
No. Stupid that people will pay them millions. Hey I’d like to get paid to play a damn video game too!
Hmmm,, let me think 🤔 , play video games at home in boxers or making a living doing the same thing making millions.
Yeah, I agree, you’re right, that is so dumb.
Very few make that money compared to the number trying.
Maybe these "influencers" should start considering actually working for a living instead doing what I consider virtual panhandling (please subscribe. Please hit the like button. Please join my fanclub on Patreon).
I consider them like artists. Valid living is in the eye of the beholder.
Creating online content is actual work, old people just don’t like it
I gave you a like for posting that creating online content is hard work. I’ve spoken to people that do it and a five minute video can take hours to produce.
What I didn’t like was you stating that old people don’t like it. That gave me the impression that you are guilty if what you are criticizing.
Many “old” people either watch or create videos. Not only young people do.
I gave you a like for posting that creating online content is hard work. I’ve spoken to people that do it and a five minute video can take hours to produce.
What I didn’t like was you stating that old people don’t like it. That gave me the impression that you are guilty if what you are criticizing.
Many “old” people either watch or create videos. Not only young people do.
That’s a solid point. The internet has been around long enough that there are people like @Freak who can create content in between angrily throwing away AARP junk mail.
I gave you a like for posting that creating online content is hard work. I’ve spoken to people that do it and a five minute video can take hours to produce.
What I didn’t like was you stating that old people don’t like it. That gave me the impression that you are guilty if what you are criticizing.
Many “old” people either watch or create videos. Not only young people do.

You're right. The notion that these influencers are just getting money for doing nothing feels a little "get off my lawn"-y to me and I was just taking an unnecessary shot, but I 100% agree that creating content online is far from something that's exclusive to young people and I shouldn't have implied that.
That’s a solid point. The internet has been around long enough that there are people like @Freak who can create content in between angrily throwing away AARP junk mail.

So where did the Freak nickname come from?

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