I hate them because their fans are a bunch of inbred idiots (I should know, a lot of my family is from there)
I hate them because they cheat, blatantly, and get away with it ALL THE FREAKING TIME!!!
I hate them because they play dirty
I hate them because the majority of my family are LSU fans and every time they play us I have to field phone calls if we lose. "Hahaha did you see the score? Did you see that?" Yeah, I saw it. I saw your team perform an illegal substitution which should have caused a delay of game which should have ended the game which should have given us a win. Then the refs you payed off called a foul on us instead.
I hate LSU, they are a bunch of lousy cheaters and I love the fact that they lost because they couldn't get away with it this time. They didn't snap the ball in time, that was painfully obvious. I'm so happy that they FINALLY didn't get away with it.