#18 LSU @ Auburn ESPN

Miles can start packing --- losing to that gimmick 2 QB offense is possibly the last straw for him --- Malzahn might be happy now but I bet he is out as well

I wouldn't be surprised if they fired him on Monday. I still think he's a fairly good coach but that fan base is done with him.
No way you can snap that with one second.

Right. Not just snap but wait for the ref's whistle, be set, do a snap count, and hike the ball.

ESPN covered this a year or so ago with another game (I think it was Washington, maybe, versus someone?) and they said realistically, you need around 3 seconds left.
The replay don't show the ball at all. Don't the refs always say they need clear evidence to overturn the play?
The replay don't show the ball at all. Don't the refs always say they need clear evidence to overturn the play?

That's nitpicking. You can see the clock's time and how long it takes before they start moving back/forward (between the QB moving back upon receiving the ball and the line starting to move forward once the ball is snapped).

(Not to mention you can combine that with the fact that the defensive line - who can actually see the ball being snapped - won't start moving until the ball's hiked, they start to do such at the same time as the offense, and it all starts to happen after the clock has hit zero.)
I'm not sure whether I want to comment on LSU's next game with "I'd hate to be Missouri next week" or "of course Missouri gets LSU at a better time to play them next week."
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Oh, did I forget to mention I hate LSU almost as much as Alabama and Florida?

War Damn Eagle! Even my 2 year old granddaughter is celebrating this win.
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if an offense commits a penalty in the last minute of a half, the punishment will include a 10-second run-off as well as the yardage. Why was this not called against LSU
if an offense commits a penalty in the last minute of a half, the punishment will include a 10-second run-off as well as the yardage. Why was this not called against LSU

Same thing i thought.

I think you're mixing up the rule a bit.

The 10-second runoff only applies to penalties that would cause a clock-stoppage during the final minute of the game (the main example being, like spiking the ball with too many players on the field...actions designed to stop the flow of the game in lieu of a timeout while just eating the penalty yardage).

It's not just "any offensive penalty."
I think you're mixing up the rule a bit.

The 10-second runoff only applies to penalties that would cause a clock-stoppage during the final minute of the game (the main example being, like spiking the ball with too many players on the field...actions designed to stop the flow of the game in lieu of a timeout while just eating the penalty yardage).

It's not just "any offensive penalty."

Hiking the ball without all your players being set is basically the same thing. You're out of TOs and not set, hike it anyways and have the refs stop the clock?
I am not sure as there was no 10 second run off... so clock starts on the snap.... i think.:dunno:

The penalty did not stop the clock....auburn took the penalty...play starts on snap...lsu has one snap.

I was confused watching it.... more confused now.
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I hate them because their fans are a bunch of inbred idiots (I should know, a lot of my family is from there)

I hate them because they cheat, blatantly, and get away with it ALL THE FREAKING TIME!!!

I hate them because they play dirty

I hate them because the majority of my family are LSU fans and every time they play us I have to field phone calls if we lose. "Hahaha did you see the score? Did you see that?" Yeah, I saw it. I saw your team perform an illegal substitution which should have caused a delay of game which should have ended the game which should have given us a win. Then the refs you payed off called a foul on us instead.

I hate LSU, they are a bunch of lousy cheaters and I love the fact that they lost because they couldn't get away with it this time. They didn't snap the ball in time, that was painfully obvious. I'm so happy that they FINALLY didn't get away with it.
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I hate them because their fans are a bunch of inbred idiots (I should know, a lot of my family is from there)

I hate them because they cheat, blatantly, and get away with it ALL THE FREAKING TIME!!!

I hate them because they play dirty

I hate them because the majority of my family are LSU fans and every time they play us I have to field phone calls if we lose. "Hahaha did you see the score? Did you see that?" Yeah, I saw it. I saw your team perform an illegal substitution which should have caused a delay of game which should have ended the game which should have given us a win. Then the refs you payed off called a foul on us instead.

I hate LSU, they are a bunch of lousy cheaters and I love the fact that they lost because they couldn't get away with it this time. They didn't snap the ball in time, that was painfully obvious. I'm so happy that they FINALLY didn't get away with it.

Enough hate in the world already.

Peace and Love
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