My issue with JG isn’t that he’s sixth. It’s why wasn’t he top 3? Lots of people use stats as a tool to support their reasoning for or against JG, my main frustration is why did he have 16 Tds and not 26? I’m more worried about what he’s not doing and why he’s not doing it. Why the hell did he not absolutely torch BYU who played Cover 3 basically the entire night? You could literally run 3 9 routes each pass play and get big hitters. He was late on so many throws that he could’ve had 4-5 tds that night.
I’m rooting for him to improve and take those steps, but I am skeptical. I don’t think it’s unreasonable to be that way and why it’s easily the most polarizing subject on UT football in a long time. And that’s saying something.