2 LA Officers Ambushed

You expressed 0 concerns for the officers. You used the situation as an excuse to attack your political opposition even though the people cheering this would vote for Biden. Maybe you should think more before you do exactly what you're lecturing the actual president about.

How many times has Trump's reaction to anything in this realm been to antagonize, feed the flames, champion revenge, promote confrontation, encourage more discord?

The man is evil.

We need calm, cool, responsible comment and rhetoric, not more harshness.
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Behaving this way does not help the protesters cause one bit.

Go ahead on with the stupid. I'm sure there will be plenty more of it to come.
How many times has Trump's reaction to anything in this realm been to antagonize, feed the flames, champion revenge, promote confrontation, encourage more discord?

The man is evil.

We need calm, cool, responsible comment and rhetoric, not more harshness.
I see you are practicing what you preach.
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Disagree. This is the shooter's fault. They are responsible for their actions. If we are going to regain the concept of personal accountability, we must be willing to call it out even when there isn't an expedient political strategy by doing so.

I agree with your idea on personal accountability & the responsibility lays on the shooter's actions & his alone for it to bare .....no doubt about that part on my end of it to help solve that problem.
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Like his response to the Chyna flu?
Well, that's different.

He should have been:

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How many times has Trump's reaction to anything in this realm been to antagonize, feed the flames, champion revenge, promote confrontation, encourage more discord?

The man is evil.

We need calm, cool, responsible comment and rhetoric, not more harshness.
Yep. We need more talk about how Trump is a mass murderer, and has blood on his hands from the virus.
Hey, I happen to agree with his comment.

But I'm not President. A President has a responsibility to calm things down, not provoke more confrontation, which is what he ALWAYS does.
What confrontation is he provoking? People who can commit acts like this should absolutely be put down and removed from society. There's no place for them
What confrontation is he provoking? People who can commit acts like this should absolutely be put down and removed from society. There's no place for them

Please. Even you must see that the goal should be to get everyone to take a deep breath and stop the senseless violence. Trump is a miserable, horrible, despicable, failure.
Please. Even you must see that the goal should be to get everyone to take a deep breath and stop the senseless violence. Trump is a miserable, horrible, despicable, failure.
The senseless violence being committed by criminals? Yeah I'm sure it's Trump fueling their acts. They were contributing members of society until he was elected and said mean things
Please. Even you must see that the goal should be to get everyone to take a deep breath and stop the senseless violence. Trump is a miserable, horrible, despicable, failure.
Let me know when you are on your way to give that speech to the protesters at the hospital.

"Please, everyone, take a deep breath and stop this senseless violence."
The senseless violence being committed by criminals? Yeah I'm sure it's Trump fueling their acts. They were contributing members of society until he was elected and said mean things

He antagonizes and provokes. The 17 year old white supremacist militia loon going to Kenosha. The right wing thugs with Trump flags in their pickups going to Portland.

He makes everyone on the extremes feel either emboldened to confront, or wanting to retaliate for jt. He is stoking the sentiment for civil war.

If this country wants to survive, it is imperative that Trump be removed from office as soon as possible.
He antagonizes and provokes. The 17 year old white supremacist militia loon going to Kenosha. The right wing thugs with Trump flags in their pickups going to Portland.

He makes everyone on the extremes feel either emboldened to confront, or wanting to retaliate for jt. He is stoking the sentiment for civil war.

If this country wants to survive, it is imperative that Trump be removed from office as soon as possible.

Please. Even you must see that the goal should be to get everyone to take a deep breath and stop the senseless violence. Trump is a miserable, horrible, despicable, failure.
Capitulation hasn't worked. Just look at the dem controlled war zones. These people need to be put down like the rabid dogs they are.
He antagonizes and provokes. The 17 year old white supremacist militia loon going to Kenosha. The right wing thugs with Trump flags in their pickups going to Portland.

He makes everyone on the extremes feel either emboldened to confront, or wanting to retaliate for jt. He is stoking the sentiment for civil war.

If this country wants to survive, it is imperative that Trump be removed from office as soon as possible.
Portland and Kenosha were burning and you're blaming a few possible Trump supporters for their actions?

How about the left stop coddling the criminals, vandals, looters, etc and call for them to be arrested and prosecuted? How about disavowing them and their support? Nah, let's blame a 17yo who acted in self defense against at least one armed felon who tried to kill him

Calling out some criminal coward who ambushed police should get universal support. Seems you would prefer to play politics which is stunning

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