2 LA Officers Ambushed

He antagonizes and provokes. The 17 year old white supremacist militia loon going to Kenosha. The right wing thugs with Trump flags in their pickups going to Portland.

He makes everyone on the extremes feel either emboldened to confront, or wanting to retaliate for jt. He is stoking the sentiment for civil war.

If this country wants to survive, it is imperative that Trump be removed from office as soon as possible.
The left is responsible for emboldening the antifa goons to destroy and attack those with different opinions. What you see is the rights fringe actors in response. Perhaps Trump threw a log on the fire but it was already burning as a response to the lefts fringe actors being allowed to attack and destroy with impunity and in some cases with direct help from local politicians.
Capitulation hasn't worked. Just look at the dem controlled war zones. These people need to be put down like the rabid dogs they are.
I haven't seen any capitulation. Plenty of escalation via rhetoric and jack booted secret police though.
Please. Even you must see that the goal should be to get everyone to take a deep breath and stop the senseless violence. Trump is a miserable, horrible, despicable, failure.
You could just start posting on a Fla board, you might find people there who would enjoy your senseless posts :confused:
Let me know when you are on your way to give that speech to the protesters at the hospital.

"Please, everyone, take a deep breath and stop this senseless violence."
Those aren't protesters
"Well, what are they?", he asked.
Unhinged lunatics who cannot take 5 seconds away from their groupthink to look at some facts and come to a better conclusion of whats going on and how they are being lied to and manipulated to do the democrats dirty work for them.....ya know, so they can keep that cycle of hate and money grabs going
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Unhinged lunatics who cannot take 5 seconds away from their groupthink to look at some facts and come to a better conclusion of whats going on and how they are being lied to and manipulated to do the democrats dirty work for them.....ya know, so they can keep that cycle of hate and money grabs going
"Unhinged lunatics" doesn't sound like something the MSM would use unless they were describing a Trump rally.
Unhinged lunatics who cannot take 5 seconds away from their groupthink to look at some facts and come to a better conclusion of whats going on and how they are being lied to and manipulated to do the democrats dirty work for them.....ya know, so they can keep that cycle of hate and money grabs going

As Gutfeld would say ..... Period.
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I want to make sure I get this right:

Look into the cop’s service records and personal lives and let’s figure out why they deserved it. Isn’t that how it works?

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