If you base it on feelings, I may be as old as the universe.
One thing's for certain, I'm too old to think I can teach anything to these yuppies, or yappies, or whatever they'd like to be called.
These whipper snappers will one day be like Mark Twain. When Mark Twain, was still known as Samuel Clemens, at the informed age of 17, he said he thought his father was so very stupid, but when he turned 21 he was amazed at how much smarter the old man had become in just 4 short years. Of course, it takes some much longer. Some don't even appreciate the wisdom of years at the age, oh, shall we say 35. I'm a patient man though. I understand some young men take a lot longer to mature, and thusly recognize the error of their ways. When youre young, you think you know everything. Years are a valuable commodity. They teach you the grand lessons of life. In fact, the older one gets, the more one realizes that the hubris of youth does have its advantages. For with the advancement of years you come to grips with 2 undeniable facts. 1. That when you're young, you really didn't know everything. 2. That the older you get, the more you realize there's still a world of knowledge yet to be obtained.
So, we die striving. Whereas the youthful self-confidence says, I know it all. I have attained. Yet the finished conundrum of amplified time assures you of the folly of youth.
It takes living to attain such knowledge. It can only be done, with the doing. In the meantime, with what we ascertain, we understand that we have ascertained so little, and the maze continues.