2012 liberty bowl



Sir Loves
Sep 23, 2012
Someone brought up the fact that it was on youtube. I went and watched it this morning. Every negavol on this forum should make it a point to watch this. Classic Butch. A running qb on a soft ankle and can't run. Everything goes wrong. vandy totally thinks they have cinci buried. Bearcats showed ZERO quit all day long and Vandy had no idea the kind of fight they were into that day. I expect my Tennessee volunteers to show that kind of resiliency this year. I have no reason not to.

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I think fight will be in the cards for our Vols all year. I think our weapons may be a bit on the short side. It will come though. Attitude is a HUGH factor in your ability to succeed.:cool:
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Someone brought up the fact that it was on youtube. I went and watched it this morning. Every negavol on this forum should make it a point to watch this. Classic Butch. A running qb on a soft ankle and can't run. Everything goes wrong. vandy totally thinks they have cinci buried. Bearcats showed ZERO quit all day long and Vandy had no idea the kind of fight they were into that day. I expect my Tennessee volunteers to show that kind of resiliency this year. I have no reason not to.


It was Vandy......I don't see why people use this as a bragging tool for Butch.

That's like bragging about beating up the handicap kid.
I wish the "negavol" term would've gone away with Dooley. We all just want to win, and some of us are legitimately cynical because UT has sucked for quite awhile now. Jones has done an excellent job uniting the fan base under the rise to the top banner, lets let the negavols term go by the wayside, I say. I don't think there's anyone that doesn't support Jones at this point.
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Some of you guys just talk yourselves into the ground CONSTANTLY. I can let it go if you come up with a better name for that losing attitude.
I think fight will be in the cards for our Vols all year. I think our weapons may be a bit on the short side. It will come though. Attitude is a HUGH factor in your ability to succeed.:cool:

Fight equals opportunity. Not many teams, and not many players get the kind of opportunity to show what they can do on this kind of stage.
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If I were the quarterbacks coach (there's a reason I'm not) I would be making sure the quarterback has the ability to see defenses and make quick decisions (the quarterbacks are going to have a lot of quick decisions to make), and make sure the young receivers are willing to come to the ball and help our quarterbacks out. They have the size to do so. Third thing is...make sure there is NO quit in that defense of ours.
It was Vandy......I don't see why people use this as a bragging tool for Butch.

That's like bragging about beating up the handicap kid.

Even if it is Vandy, Butch beat them with a Big East team. A Big East team with considerably less talent than Vandy had (remember we destroyed Cincy and barely beat Vandy in OT that year)
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If I were the quarterbacks coach (there's a reason I'm not) I would be making sure the quarterback has the ability to see defenses and make quick decisions (the quarterbacks are going to have a lot of quick decisions to make), and make sure the young receivers are willing to come to the ball and help our quarterbacks out. They have the size to do so. Third thing is...make sure there is NO quit in that defense of ours.

The coaches agree with you on this one. Cincy was less talented than Vandy that year.
It really is going to come down to the QB that can make the fastest reads. With Butch's style of attack, and with young targets. All the QB's can wing a ball, but the one who makes the fastest reads is the one for the job out of necessity I think.
I think fight will be in the cards for our Vols all year. I think our weapons may be a bit on the short side. It will come though. Attitude is a HUGH factor in your ability to succeed.:cool:
Welcome to the forum, Tim Bob. It is always nice to have Cooter close by.
I think fight will be in the cards for our Vols all year. I think our weapons may be a bit on the short side. It will come though. Attitude is a HUGH factor in your ability to succeed.:cool:

Good first post! Welcome to the board. Please see mods to pick up your thick skin...it will come in handy. :) jk. Best site in college sports - I can't live without it.
I liked what I was seeing last half of the year from our backs last year. They started to work up the field through the tackles and take on hits.
after that, you can watch the 2011 tennessee-cincinnati game.

Then think about all the high flying, high scoring, insane games we were in all the way to the end most of the time with a coach with a BROKEN HIP and a defense that didn't know which way to go. We are going to win some games this year my friend.
I think fight will be in the cards for our Vols all year. I think our weapons may be a bit on the short side. It will come though. Attitude is a HUGH factor in your ability to succeed.:cool:

You have an awesome screen name and one of the best post-to-like ratios I've ever seen. :) Then again, you are a noob.... :) But welcome to VN.

And, good post. Post often.
Then think about all the high flying, high scoring, insane games we were in all the way to the end most of the time with a coach with a BROKEN HIP and a defense that didn't know which way to go. We are going to win some games this year my friend.

Friend? :blink:
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Then think about all the high flying, high scoring, insane games we were in all the way to the end most of the time with a coach with a BROKEN HIP and a defense that didn't know which way to go. We are going to win some games this year my friend.

my point was simple.

butch jones is not wile e. coyote, super genius. he'll win when he has better players. when he doesn't have better players, derek dooley can beat him.
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Healthy early season Bray, Rogers, and Hunter > late season bowling Vandy.

Unequal comparison.

My thoughts exactly, there was an article (very good) that compared Butches play with Chip Kelly's posted up not too long ago. I'm sure someone will find it (my laptop is almost dead), it explained that game may have been THE one game Tennessee had everything in place and working on all cylinders like it was supposed to. It was a good read.

Every VOL fan is a a friend of mine. I don't get offended easily my friend. You don't have to luv back.
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Can we please shut up about Vandy? things really have been bad when we are having to bring up Vandy loses from over a year ago.
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