2012 Tour de France

I'm watching the replay right now.

10k left. Dissappointed Nibali hasn't made a move
The two Brits have been damn impressive. Tough pill to swallow because Froome could have won this tour
I was never much of an Armstrong fan -- nothing to do with doping; the guy is an insufferable ass -- but that episode 10-ish years ago where he turned around and stared Jan Ulrich in the face to measure him and then blew him away was like something out of literature. If someone thinks that's boring because it's just "bicycles riding up and down the road," then I don't know what to say to them.

That was the best bike race ever. He dared everyone to even try to hang on.

During those years he was so superior to the field it was silly. The tour tried to set it up against it and just couldn't. He was the best climber and best TT guy in the world. Nothing they could do.
On a different team I think he could. Even more so if they had a couple mountain finishes

mountain top finishes are the difference makers for the climbers that struggle in the TT. Dude's a horse, but shouldn't be winning the tour with his TT chops today. Indurain might damn well lap him in a TT.

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