Well, I hope it's Memphis. I'd heard things about Marshall being a good spot because it allows for a "support system". That's a pretty big red flag for me. It'd be great for the Tigers to land a top 100 recruit this late because we need a fourth post player. But because of this "support system" stuff, and because I'm not thrilled by the type of game Woodson has, I'll be ok if he goes elsewhere.
I stand corrected. Marshall IS in it. The kid himself said Memphis and Marshall. I had heard he most likely wouldn't be going to Marshall as recently as this morning by a coach.
I like his game, good basics and is a great rebounder (what I like best) and finisher. He has a jump shot which is what has been missing with the bigs in Memphis. His weight seems to be an issue but I'm sure that can be fixed. At this point it is questionable whether he'll qualify. I'm always OK if a kid goes somewhere else. There will always be someone to take that spot.