I hate the thought of not being able to sign Miss Key. She's so long, athletic, and versatile. And though I'm not holding my breath, any pairing of Teonni, with Jersey Wolfenbarger, Saniya Rivers, or, for crying out loud, Azzi Fudd ...and we're good to go. I'm also hopeful for Karoline Striplin, and/or Sara Puckett. And, lest we forget Miss Jada Walker (I think you were the first to mention her); and I really like the lady from Michigan - Bree Salenbien.
Of course, by the next recruiting year, '22, we should have secured a post or two, but a couple/three/four of this group, with seniors (Burrell, Massengill, Green; juniors Rennie, Saunders, Key, HORSTON; sophomores, Salary and Darby ...and we're closing in on the elites.
Of course, we might get NONE of my Dream Team, but, with Miss Teonni Key on board, any or many of the others might at least take a much closer look.
*Obviously, injuries, juco, and/or transfers (in or out), can change the entire landscape.