2020 Presidential Race

We are at a dead end on this one.
Without getting into the Hillary debate and the reasons she was vilified, I'll just say the other critical difference is that Trump was selected over 16 other republicans in the primaries. Remember, Hillary had already been passed over in 2008.
Dems felt it was Hillary's "turn". They thought they could force the most despicable candidate ever down America's collective throat. Instead, the not quite as despicable Hillary candidate got elected, which pissed the Dems, including yourself off. You love to go back to that "over 16 other Republicans" comment and gloss over the fact the Dems ran the most immoral, despicable, atrocious, unelectable candidate of all time. And because she was actually unelectable, she lost. See, unelectable means not being able to get elected, which, since he WAS elected, doesn't apply to Trump. He may be a dirt bag, but he was a dirt bag that won the election, much to your chagrin.

FTR, I can throw in hyperbole as well. It doesn't actually help your logic. Facts would help your argument, but you seem short on those.
If actual bona fide socialist Bernie Sanders gets elected somehow, conservatives who cried SOCIALIST!!! about every single democrat for 30 years until the word became completely meaningless will deserve a very large chunk of the credit.
In much the same way that “nazi” or “racist” has been devalued as a word by the democrats when referring to republicans over the same amount of time.
Dems felt it was Hillary's "turn". They thought they could force the most despicable candidate ever down America's collective throat. Instead, the not quite as despicable Hillary candidate got elected, which pissed the Dems, including yourself off. You love to go back to that "over 16 other Republicans" comment and gloss over the fact the Dems ran the most immoral, despicable, atrocious, unelectable candidate of all time. And because she was actually unelectable, she lost. See, unelectable means not being able to get elected, which, since he WAS elected, doesn't apply to Trump. He may be a dirt bag, but he was a dirt bag that won the election, much to your chagrin.

FTR, I can throw in hyperbole as well. It doesn't actually help your logic. Facts would help your argument, but you seem short on those.

This is super funny because Virginia is over-run with people from West Virginia who moved here so they could actually have a decent job for the first time in their godforsaken lives. If they want to go back, nobody is going to cry, but trust me they don't want to go back.

In fact there are two West Virginia families on my street I'd help move. They can take their cars that don't run and their inexplicable giant wood pile (they don't have a stove or foreplace) with them.
Maybe if Bernie wins, the economy will improve, and you can afford to move into a decent neighborhood.

<Fingers Crossed>
If you are going to chastise folks for character attacks, are you going to do the same regarding candidates you don't like? Or is that different?

Let me simplify: if you want to convince people to not vote for the candidate that vows to support the ideals they ascribe to, try discussing those ideals (e.g. Capitalism, 2A, individual liberties, immigration restrictions, privatized healthcare, protection of unborn children, strong military...) rather than attacking the character of said candidate. Then, we can all have a grown-up debate.
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I think it will eventually come out that he joined only to pad his resume to run for President. He most likely got preferential treatment for the length and/or location of his deployment. I wouldn't trust that little sh!t as far as I could throw him.
I wonder if he ever worked up to the rank of Rear Admiral?
Let them horses run!!! 🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎

I was at a plant in Huntsville AL. where they make the glass for the beast. They had a vehicle (not sure if it was a mock up) there and they opened the door and the weight of the door was massive. Cannot remember exactly but like hundred or so pounds. It was so well balanced and the glass was several inches think but as transparent as normal glass.
I was at a plant in Huntsville AL. where they make the glass for the beast. They had a vehicle (not sure if it was a mock up) there and they opened the door and the weight of the door was massive. Cannot remember exactly but like hundred or so pounds. It was so well balanced and the glass was several inches think but as transparent as normal glass.
But you know if it needed to that thing would get up and go!
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