2020 Presidential Race

Give me break. I bet you have seen it. It made news at the time.

"Knock the crap out of 'em, will ya?!?!?" - Donald Trump, telling a crowd of his supporters during a 2016 campaign rally to beat up a heckler. Trump would also offer to pay for any medical bills which might be incurred as a result of his encouraged assault on the heckler.

I'll ask you, was that a mature, calm and level-headed thing to say? Or was it just "Trump being Trump"?
Please point to the part of my post that isn't factually correct instead of defecting. Nevermind I know you won't, isn't the first time either. Trump is an idiot, Biden is losing his damn mind, but you'll claim only one isn't fit to be president.
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lol did you see the last presidential election?
Yes, and that was just one election. Your claim was that "exit polls have been wrong often". The choice of the word "often" implies that you are referring to multiple elections. Can you name another presidential election where the exit polls, or even the final polls leading up to the election were off-base? That certainly wasn't the case for any other presidential general election from 1984-2012. The final polls in 2000 had a dead heat between Bush and Gore and that's what it was. Are you talking about Dewey vs Truman? LOL. That was a long time ago. We haven't had many surprises on election night. 2016 is an anomaly.
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Yes, and that was just one election. Your claim was that "exit polls have been wrong often". The choice of the word "often" implies that you are referring to multiple elections. Can you name another presidential election where the exit polls, or even the final polls leading up to the election were off-base? That certainly wasn't the case for any other presidential general election from 1984-2012. The final polls in 2000 had a dead heat between Bush and Gore and that's what it was.
I don’t have a problem with polling. But can you tell me who Florida was called for, very early on, in the Bush vs Gore election? And let’s not dive into Governor races.
I don’t have a problem with polling. But can you tell me who Florida was called for, very early on, in the Bush vs Gore election? And let’s not dive into Governor races.
That is a complicated story but it was basically the fault of the Voter News Service, which is a combination of television networks and the Associated Press. Data was misinterpreted. Again, that is not the norm. There was a lot of funny business going on in Florida. Google the "Volusia error". It's enough to make a suspicious person think that the brother of the Florida Governor at the time, may have had an unfair advantage that night.
Yes, and that was just one election. Your claim was that "exit polls have been wrong often". The choice of the word "often" implies that you are referring to multiple elections. Can you name another presidential election where the exit polls, or even the final polls leading up to the election were off-base? That certainly wasn't the case for any other presidential general election from 1984-2012. The final polls in 2000 had a dead heat between Bush and Gore and that's what it was. Are you talking about Dewey vs Truman? LOL. That was a long time ago. We haven't had many surprises on election night. 2016 is an anomaly.
The 2004 exit polls were a disaster. They had Bush and Kerry deadlocked in South Carolina. Bush won the actual vote by over 17%. Bob Shrum is on record as saying that Kerry campaign thought they had won the election based on the exit polls.
The National Election Poll released a report that addressed the issues with the exit polls.
“The NEP report stated that "the size of the average exit poll error ... was higher in 2004 than in previous years for which we have data" and that exit polling estimates overstated Kerry's share of the vote in 26 states by more than one standard error.”
The 2004 exit polls were a disaster. They had Bush and Kerry deadlocked in South Carolina. Bush won the actual vote by over 17%. Bob Shrum is on record as saying that Kerry campaign thought they had won the election based on the exit polls.
The National Election Poll released a report that addressed the issues with the exit polls.
“The NEP report stated that "the size of the average exit poll error ... was higher in 2004 than in previous years for which we have data" and that exit polling estimates overstated Kerry's share of the vote in 26 states by more than one standard error.”
I don't recall that at all. Based on the polling, Bush was expected to win another close election and he did. Just like in 2000, it was expected to come down to Ohio and Florida, and once again... Bush pulled it out. The polls in 2008 and 2012 were spot on... as was Nate Silver's forecast. People who are counting on polling data to be inaccurate when they show a consensus result, will usually end up disappointed. I would always much rather see my candidate with a lead, than without... but that's just me. I understand that polls are fallible, but I'm not cynical of polling data. They are right more than they are wrong. Polls told us as far back as April of 2019 that Joe Biden would be the nominee of the Democratic Party... they were right.
That reads like wishful thinking. The American people have seen Joe Biden on a debate stage before, and he is infinitely more likable than Donald Trump. Biden did just fine during the primary debates.

Here we go with the feels again - likeable. Need to go ahead and give you some Kleenex tissues. Joe did fine in the debates? That is laughable. He got his clock cleaned most of the time and they weren't even focusing on him. "My time up" Biden. Lol...did dude really just volunteer to quit talking? Normally a sign his point was leading to nowhere.
That reads like wishful thinking. The American people have seen Joe Biden on a debate stage before, and he is infinitely more likable than Donald Trump. Biden did just fine during the primary debates.
I honestly don't see Biden as "infinitely more likable". I don't think either is likable. Do you believe Biden is a good candidate? I know you believe he's a better candidate than Trump, but do you actually believe him to be a good candidate? If you could pick anyone to sit in the Oval Office, would Biden even make your top 10? I've said it before, I'll say it again, good candidates are no longer interested in taking the job.
I honestly don't see Biden as "infinitely more likable". I don't think either is likable. Do you believe Biden is a good candidate? I know you believe he's a better candidate than Trump, but do you actually believe him to be a good candidate? If you could pick anyone to sit in the Oval Office, would Biden even make your top 10? I've said it before, I'll say it again, good candidates are no longer interested in taking the job.
I disagree. It's debatable over whether or not Joe Biden is a good candidate. My belief is that Biden is simply "good enough". He doesn't inspire the Democratic Party base on the substance of the issues, but I do believe he is a good enough candidate to win this election anyway, because of how little baggage he brings (and the accusations of Tara Reade won't have legs without proof) to the table. Joe Biden isn't advocating for socialism. He isn't advocating for unrealistic proposals that would never pass muster with Congress... such as free college tuition, free health care, free fill-in-the-blank. The "Trump is the lesser of two evils" argument doesn't apply to this election, as it did in 2016. I think Joe Biden is well-regarded as being a decent person by the average American, when they are absent of a political agenda against him. That would obviously not include you, but watch that video that Sen. Lindsey Graham, a Republican and Trump confidant, made about Joe Biden where he gets emotional. Sen. Lindsey Graham literally gets choked up and brought to tears while discussing what a great man that Joe Biden is. From that video, Graham says this while crying :

"Joe Biden is as good a man as God ever created. He is the nicest person I think I've ever met in politics." - Senator Lindsey Graham.

I feel very safe in saying that no Democrat will ever be caught speaking about Trump that way, as a Republican was openly speaking about Biden. Now, how did Sen. Lindsey Graham speak about Donald Trump in 2016 while speaking candidly? Graham called Trump a "jackass", of course. LOL!

I believe that the kind words expressed by Lindsey Graham represent how most Republicans feel about Joe Biden as a person. They just can't say it while Biden is running for President. Apparently, Sen. Lindsey Graham can't say it anymore either, but that is only due to the current political climate. That video (which will run in heavy rotation during the upcoming campaign) was Lindsey Graham speaking from his heart and telling us that politics aside, Joe Biden is a good friend and a good guy.
Here we go with the feels again - likeable. Need to go ahead and give you some Kleenex tissues. Joe did fine in the debates? That is laughable. He got his clock cleaned most of the time and they weren't even focusing on him. "My time up" Biden. Lol...did dude really just volunteer to quit talking? Normally a sign his point was leading to nowhere.
That is completely objective analysis, I'm sure. And Biden was the front runner from the start. The focus was always on him. You were seeing what you wanted to see.
I disagree. It's debatable over whether or not Joe Biden is a good candidate. My belief is that Biden is simply "good enough". He doesn't inspire the Democratic Party base on the substance of the issues, but I do believe he is a good enough candidate to win this election anyway, because of how little baggage he brings (and the accusations of Tara Reade won't have legs without proof) to the table. Joe Biden isn't advocating for socialism. He isn't advocating for unrealistic proposals that would never pass muster with Congress... such as free college tuition, free health care, free fill-in-the-blank. The "Trump is the lesser of two evils" argument doesn't apply to this election, as it did in 2016. I think Joe Biden is well-regarded as being a decent person by the average American, when they are absent of a political agenda against him. That would obviously not include you, but watch that video that Sen. Lindsey Graham, a Republican and Trump confidant, made about Joe Biden where he gets emotional. Sen. Lindsey Graham literally gets choked up and brought to tears while discussing what a great man that Joe Biden is. From that video, Graham says this while crying :

"Joe Biden is as good a man as God ever created. He is the nicest person I think I've ever met in politics." - Senator Lindsey Graham.

I feel very safe in saying that no Democrat will ever be caught speaking about Trump that way, as a Republican was openly speaking about Biden. Now, how did Sen. Lindsey Graham speak about Donald Trump in 2016 while speaking candidly? Graham called Trump a "jackass", of course. LOL!

I believe that the kind words expressed by Lindsey Graham represent how most Republicans feel about Joe Biden as a person. They just can't say it while Biden is running for President. Apparently, Sen. Lindsey Graham can't say it anymore either, but that is only due to the current political climate. That video (which will run in heavy rotation during the upcoming campaign) was Lindsey Graham speaking from his heart and telling us that politics aside, Joe Biden is a good friend and a good guy.

That was back in 2016 when Graham said that and he was talking about the man not his abilities . I’ve met a lot of really nice people in my lifetime also . That’s not to say I would trust them to bring us out of this economic nightmare we caused . This is what Graham thinks of Joe the politician..

Lindsey Graham: Joe Biden has been wrong across the board on foreign policy matters
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That was back in 2016 when Graham said that and he was talking about the man not his abilities . I’ve met a lot of really nice people in my lifetime also . That’s not to say I would trust them to bring us out of this economic nightmare we caused . This is what Graham thinks of Joe the politician..

Lindsey Graham: Joe Biden has been wrong across the board on foreign policy matters
We were talking about whether or not Joe Biden was more "likable" than Donald Trump. @Weezer had said that he wasn't in the post I was replying to.
We were talking about whether or not Joe Biden was more "likable" than Donald Trump. @Weezer had said that he wasn't in the post I was replying to.

I know I read it and that’s why I said that Graham was talking about the man not the politician . Jimmy Carter is one of the most honest , sincere, good hearted politicians I’ve ever read about ... he sucked at being president .
I disagree. It's debatable over whether or not Joe Biden is a good candidate. My belief is that Biden is simply "good enough". He doesn't inspire the Democratic Party base on the substance of the issues, but I do believe he is a good enough candidate to win this election anyway, because of how little baggage he brings (and the accusations of Tara Reade won't have legs without proof) to the table. Joe Biden isn't advocating for socialism. He isn't advocating for unrealistic proposals that would never pass muster with Congress... such as free college tuition, free health care, free fill-in-the-blank. The "Trump is the lesser of two evils" argument doesn't apply to this election, as it did in 2016. I think Joe Biden is well-regarded as being a decent person by the average American, when they are absent of a political agenda against him. That would obviously not include you, but watch that video that Sen. Lindsey Graham, a Republican and Trump confidant, made about Joe Biden where he gets emotional. Sen. Lindsey Graham literally gets choked up and brought to tears while discussing what a great man that Joe Biden is. From that video, Graham says this while crying :

"Joe Biden is as good a man as God ever created. He is the nicest person I think I've ever met in politics." - Senator Lindsey Graham.

I feel very safe in saying that no Democrat will ever be caught speaking about Trump that way, as a Republican was openly speaking about Biden. Now, how did Sen. Lindsey Graham speak about Donald Trump in 2016 while speaking candidly? Graham called Trump a "jackass", of course. LOL!

I believe that the kind words expressed by Lindsey Graham represent how most Republicans feel about Joe Biden as a person. They just can't say it while Biden is running for President. Apparently, Sen. Lindsey Graham can't say it anymore either, but that is only due to the current political climate. That video (which will run in heavy rotation during the upcoming campaign) was Lindsey Graham speaking from his heart and telling us that politics aside, Joe Biden is a good friend and a good guy.
I have no political agenda against him. I don't see politicians in general as "decent". Especially not politicians who have made it a life long career. I don't care if it's Republican or Democrat, I don't trust anyone who has spent decades in Washington. So no, I don't see him as decent. The problem in all of this, the one people refuse to address, is this idea of "good enough". Good enough does not mean actually good. Is "better choice" what we should be settling for? We need actual good choices, and we're not getting them from either party.
I have no political agenda against him. I don't see politicians in general as "decent". Especially not politicians who have made it a life long career. I don't care if it's Republican or Democrat, I don't trust anyone who has spent decades in Washington. So no, I don't see him as decent. The problem in all of this, the one people refuse to address, is this idea of "good enough". Good enough does not mean actually good. Is "better choice" what we should be settling for? We need actual good choices, and we're not getting them from either party.
I tend to agree, but you play the hand your dealt as best you can. Biden was clearly the best option for Democrats this cycle. I don't expect him to run for re-election in 2024 if he wins. Hopefully, a more appealing candidate emerges. This time around, the goal is just to get rid of the Great Pumpkin.
Funny how name calling is a trigger event for the Right now. They've been doing it for over a decade; someone calls their sacred cow a fat ass more or less, and now they are triggered about fat shaming and racism against poor white billionaires. They were cool with trashing folks until it hit too close to boot-licking home. Now they are just as triggered and not different at all than Bernie Bros.

And you constantly slurp on some fool who claimed that millions of Americans were “at least ok with racism”, based solely upon the fact that they support Donald Trump. Your sacred cow is a hypocritical idiot, and a loser to top it off. He’s sitting at home watching. Don’t see you Pete supporters doing those stupid little dances anymore, do we?
I tend to agree, but you play the hand your dealt as best you can. Biden was clearly the best option for Democrats this cycle. I don't expect him to run for re-election in 2024 if he wins. Hopefully, a more appealing candidate emerges. This time around, the goal is just to get rid of the Great Pumpkin.
The goal of the left is to get rid of Trump. I'm not sure I care either way. Until I know who his running mate is, I wouldn't even concede Biden as a better choice. There are names that have been mentioned that I don't want one heartbeat away from being President.
moderators: please rename the thread the BowlBrothers85 thread so sane people can skip right over it and not have to read his constant hyper liberal drivel. For **** sake
You can place me on ignore. It won't hurt my feelings. I don't think I've ever even read a post of yours before.
The goal of the left is to get rid of Trump. I'm not sure I care either way. Until I know who his running mate is, I wouldn't even concede Biden as a better choice. There are names that have been mentioned that I don't want one heartbeat away from being President.
It will definitely be a woman, and more than likely from the midwest. I think it's Amy Klobuchar but Gretchen Witmer is popular in Michigan, and regardless of what Trump thinks, an overwhelming majority of Michigan voters believe she has handled the COVID-19 response well. She is getting a look.
It will definitely be a woman, and more than likely from the midwest. I think it's Amy Klobuchar but Gretchen Witmer is popular in Michigan, and regardless of what Trump thinks, an overwhelming majority of Michigan voters believe she has handled the COVID-19 response well. She is getting a look.
Not the names I've heard thrown around the most. IF he picks Abrams, I may have to get off my ass and vote Trump. No way in hell should she be in that position.
Not the names I've heard thrown around the most. IF he picks Abrams, I may have to get off my ass and vote Trump. No way in hell should she be in that position.
Abrams is the latest darling of the progressive wing. Elements with growing power in that party are trying hard to get her on the ticket.

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