2020 Presidential Race

I'll stop with the travelogue but this was my favorite hike there. Iceberg Lake. At the foot of the Continental Divide.


This is one good reason for the meaning of "Meals on Wheels". Hey, Velo ...... are you doing OK now?

Grizzly bear injures bicyclist near Big Sky in Montana
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Report: Democrats Concerned Economy Will Recover

Top Democrats are starting to get concerned. Their hysterical assertions that Republican governors who gradually reopened their economies would have "blood on their hands" proved to be hysterical assertions. And now Democrats worry about the prospect of a strong economic recovery.


Politico reports that Barack Obama's former economic adviser, Jason Furman, has been terrifying Democratic colleagues with predictions that the next few months could bring "the best economic data we've seen in the history of this country." The downside of millions of Americans rejoining the workforce, Democrats fear, is that President Donald Trump could take credit in the final weeks of his reelection campaign.

Furman has been making his case to Democratic policymakers who served in the Clinton and Obama administrations, as well as senior members of Joe Biden's presidential campaign. Many are understandably panicking at the thought of the American economy starting to rebound.

Biden's campaign is reportedly "very much aware" of the devastating impact a booming economy could have on Democratic politicians. Recent polling suggests that, even amidst the economic turmoil caused by the pandemic, Trump is still viewed as the better candidate when it comes to handling the economy.

Report: Democrats Concerned Economy Will Recover
Report: Democrats Concerned Economy Will Recover

Top Democrats are starting to get concerned. Their hysterical assertions that Republican governors who gradually reopened their economies would have "blood on their hands" proved to be hysterical assertions. And now Democrats worry about the prospect of a strong economic recovery.


Politico reports that Barack Obama's former economic adviser, Jason Furman, has been terrifying Democratic colleagues with predictions that the next few months could bring "the best economic data we've seen in the history of this country." The downside of millions of Americans rejoining the workforce, Democrats fear, is that President Donald Trump could take credit in the final weeks of his reelection campaign.

Furman has been making his case to Democratic policymakers who served in the Clinton and Obama administrations, as well as senior members of Joe Biden's presidential campaign. Many are understandably panicking at the thought of the American economy starting to rebound.

Biden's campaign is reportedly "very much aware" of the devastating impact a booming economy could have on Democratic politicians. Recent polling suggests that, even amidst the economic turmoil caused by the pandemic, Trump is still viewed as the better candidate when it comes to handling the economy.

Report: Democrats Concerned Economy Will Recover
No surprise. They pushed 3 years for a recession, got one but it may have come a tad too soon.
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From 538 poll composites, Trump's net job approval is consistent with the last two one-termers.

Clinton's approval was 29.3% better.
Reagan's approval was 26.8% better.
Obama's approval was 11.8% better.
W's approval was 5.3% better.

I don't think his current strategy of raging against his enemies on Twitter during a crisis is working.
Consumer sentiment is the best measure historically. It predicts Carter's and Bush's losses, and Reagan, Clinton, Bush's and Obama's wins.
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Report: Democrats Concerned Economy Will Recover

Top Democrats are starting to get concerned. Their hysterical assertions that Republican governors who gradually reopened their economies would have "blood on their hands" proved to be hysterical assertions. And now Democrats worry about the prospect of a strong economic recovery.


Politico reports that Barack Obama's former economic adviser, Jason Furman, has been terrifying Democratic colleagues with predictions that the next few months could bring "the best economic data we've seen in the history of this country." The downside of millions of Americans rejoining the workforce, Democrats fear, is that President Donald Trump could take credit in the final weeks of his reelection campaign.

Furman has been making his case to Democratic policymakers who served in the Clinton and Obama administrations, as well as senior members of Joe Biden's presidential campaign. Many are understandably panicking at the thought of the American economy starting to rebound.

Biden's campaign is reportedly "very much aware" of the devastating impact a booming economy could have on Democratic politicians. Recent polling suggests that, even amidst the economic turmoil caused by the pandemic, Trump is still viewed as the better candidate when it comes to handling the economy.

Report: Democrats Concerned Economy Will Recover
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Can a normal person run for national office and win? I mean, is it even possible nowadays?
I have been thinking of starting a podcast on why I should be president. Once I get more listeners I should be able to turn that game into votes.
CNN’s Dana Bash ridiculed for Joe Biden interview: 'So much for journalism'

CNN’s Dana Bash sat down with presumptive 2020 Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden on Tuesday in an interview that has been condemned by critics on both sides of the aisle.

“Naturally, Trump-hating and fear-loving CNN served Tuesday as Joe Biden’s first in-person interview since the coronavirus pandemic began and, right on cue, chief political correspondent Dana Bash fulfilled her role as a real-life Bashful, liberal foot solider, and citizen of Zuckerville. Between softball questions and assisting Biden in touting anti-Trump conspiracy theories, it was mission accomplished,” NewsBusters managing editor Curtis Houck wrote.

“Of course, Bash refused to ask about Tara Reade or the refusal from the University of Delaware to release any of Biden’s Senate papers that could provide the public more information on what was internally written at the time of Reade’s allegations. So much for journalism,” Houck added, noting that Bash instead focused on Trump “trying to belittle” Biden for wearing a mask in public.

While NewsBusters is a conservative organization, Bash was criticized from the left, too.​
Mediaite’s Tommy Christopher is an outspoken liberal who even notes his political leanings and hatred of President Trump in his Twitter bio – but Christopher didn’t approve of Bash’s interview, either.​

“The most infuriating, yet encouraging, parts of the interview were when Biden was not just asked extremely stupid questions, but was then pressed on those extremely stupid questions,” Christopher wrote. “The first of these was related to Trump’s mockery of Biden for wearing a mask in public on Memorial Day… there are a lot of ways for a journalist to approach this issue.”​

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CNN’s Dana Bash ridiculed for Joe Biden interview: 'So much for journalism'

CNN’s Dana Bash sat down with presumptive 2020 Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden on Tuesday in an interview that has been condemned by critics on both sides of the aisle.

“Naturally, Trump-hating and fear-loving CNN served Tuesday as Joe Biden’s first in-person interview since the coronavirus pandemic began and, right on cue, chief political correspondent Dana Bash fulfilled her role as a real-life Bashful, liberal foot solider, and citizen of Zuckerville. Between softball questions and assisting Biden in touting anti-Trump conspiracy theories, it was mission accomplished,” NewsBusters managing editor Curtis Houck wrote.

“Of course, Bash refused to ask about Tara Reade or the refusal from the University of Delaware to release any of Biden’s Senate papers that could provide the public more information on what was internally written at the time of Reade’s allegations. So much for journalism,” Houck added, noting that Bash instead focused on Trump “trying to belittle” Biden for wearing a mask in public.
While NewsBusters is a conservative organization, Bash was criticized from the left, too.​
Mediaite’s Tommy Christopher is an outspoken liberal who even notes his political leanings and hatred of President Trump in his Twitter bio – but Christopher didn’t approve of Bash’s interview, either.​

“The most infuriating, yet encouraging, parts of the interview were when Biden was not just asked extremely stupid questions, but was then pressed on those extremely stupid questions,” Christopher wrote. “The first of these was related to Trump’s mockery of Biden for wearing a mask in public on Memorial Day… there are a lot of ways for a journalist to approach this issue.”​

Do you take exception to any of Sean Hannity's hand holding of Donald Trump during their interviews? Probably not.
Real Clear Politics Polling Data

President Donald Trump Job Approval / Disapproval Ratings

RCP Average (5/13 - 5/26) Approve : 43.5% Disapprove: 54.5% (- 11 point spread)

YouGov (5/23 - 5/26) Approve: 45% Disapprove 53% (- 8 point spread)
Politico (5/22 - 5/26) Approve: 40% Disapprove 57% (- 17 point spread)
Rasmussen Reports (5/24 - 5/26) Approve: 42% Disapprove 57% (-15 point spread)
FOX News (5/17 - 5/20) Approve: 44% Disapprove 54% (- 10 point spread)
Reuters (5/18 - 5/19) Approve: 42% Disapprove 55% (- 13 point spread)
CNBC (5/15 - 5/17) Approve: 46% Disapprove 54% (- 8 point spread)
Quinnipiac (5/14 - 5/18) Approve: 42% Disapprove 53% (- 11 point spread)
Harris (5/13 - 5/14) Approve: 47% Disapprove 53% (- 6 point spread)

Trump's low numbers in Rasmussen Reports are significant. That poll has been very fair to him. Trump has tweeted the results of their polling data many times. He has referred to them as his favorite poll on Twitter. They are the most favorable poll for Republicans in general. If Trump's numbers are tanking in Rasmussen Reports, then they are tanking everywhere.
African-American activists escalating efforts to persuade Biden not to pick Klobuchar for VP

African-American activists are escalating their efforts to persuade former Vice President Joe Biden not to name Sen. Amy Klobuchar as his running mate, arguing he needs to choose someone who would excite black voters.

Those efforts come amid the national spotlight on the case of a black man in Minnesota who died on Monday after being pinned to the ground by a Minneapolis police officer who had his knee to man’s neck. That situation appears to be turning up the volume on calls for Biden not to choose Klobuchar.

African-American activists escalating efforts to persuade Biden not to pick Klobuchar for VP
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Trump has replaced his campaign manager. Brad Parscale gets to keep his title but Bill Stepien has been installed by Jared Kushner as the de facto campaign manager. This come after The Lincoln Project Aires this ad on the networks in the Washington D.C. area.
Has anyone seriously considered pouring all the Libertarian resources into getting a state to secede? Texas is the obvious choice.

I believe New Hampshire is the state that was targeted by the Libertarians. There was some type of movement to get Libertarians to move there in mass and take over the state government.

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