2020 Presidential Race

It could be if you actually have a plan once elected. That was not the case and they floundered for a long time

It was the correct plan to win the election. I agree that he was way unprepared for the obstacles in his way once he assumed office.
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From 538 poll composites, Trump's net job approval is consistent with the last two one-termers.

Clinton's approval was 29.3% better.
Reagan's approval was 26.8% better.
Obama's approval was 11.8% better.
W's approval was 5.3% better.

I don't think his current strategy of raging against his enemies on Twitter during a crisis is working.
It's been pointed out many times that Robert Mueller is a Republican. That never makes a dent with the Trump supporters, though.

Yep and Comey was an R before he switched to the Dems , John Brennan was a commie and Trump was a Dem . That’s why it doesn’t make a dent . Den of vipers regardless of the letter behind their names .
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I am catching up on some news I missed.

Justin Amash decided against running for president. Consequently, my odds of voting in November are 0.0%.

Biden is the definition of bureaucrat. Trump spends recklessly.

America is fooked.

See my post above; at least you have someone to vote for.

That said, America is fooked and Biden chosing one of Harris, Abrams or the one from FL makes it worse.
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SIAP - L party has there candidates. Jo Jorgenson - P; Spike Cohen - VP


Spike Cohen for VP

I presume Spike will be getting his own website since he's not running with Vermin Supreme
Let's be real. Amash was a long shot, hail mary pass at best.

The L party ticket has no chance in hell to pick up enough votes to do anything substantive. After it's all over, those two will be another set of Libertarian candidates thrown into the political woodchipper.
See my post above; at least you have someone to vote for.

That said, America is fooked and Biden chosing one of Harris, Abrams or the one from FL makes it worse.

Has anyone seriously considered pouring all the Libertarian resources into getting a state to secede? Texas is the obvious choice.
Let's be real. Amash was a long shot, hail mary pass at best.

The L party ticket has no chance in hell to pick up enough votes to do anything substantive. After it's all over, those two will be another set of Libertarian candidates thrown into the political woodchipper.

of course but I can vote and not be supporting either of the morons from the ruling parties.

Plus Spike is offering free cheesy bread with any federal explosives permit, a badger, a pony and a Waffle House on every corner.
of course but I can vote and not be supporting either of the morons from the ruling parties.

Plus Spike is offering free cheesy bread with any federal explosives permit, a badger, a pony and a Waffle House on every corner.
I'll continue to conscientiously abstain from voting. Both of us are in states where is doesn't matter.
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I’ll be wearing this on Election Day. Is the election this year or next?


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