2020 Presidential Race

Social media can divisive in that you can't see the facial or body expressions of the people who are posting. Someone could be genuinely trying to add light with their response, but it could be perceived totally opposite by the reader thus creating a series of confrontational posts

Yep. The old "smile when you say that" kind of thing. Not being able to do that in forums like this does make how you word stuff risky. Fortunately most people here are pretty easy going and a comment that went awry can be better explained. A lot of times it's just so difficult to be concise and get the message across. I know I struggle with being too wordy - usually unsuccessfully.
I doubt that the Durham report is a bust. It will see the light of day.

Yep. Releasing it this close to the election would have been a huge problem. It would have opened up a schiffstorm like we haven't seen - even worse than when the dems were doing victory laps because they had Trump in the impeachment crosshairs. If it hadn't been completed before the campaigns really got going, it wasn't coming out until after the election.
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Yep. Releasing it this close to the election would have been a huge problem. It would have opened up a schiffstorm like we haven't seen - even worse than when the dems were doing victory laps because they had Trump in the impeachment crosshairs. If it hadn't been completed before the campaigns really got going, it wasn't coming out until after the election.

Right thing to do but this and the HB revelations via laptop and business partner greatly increase the odds that Harris serves most of the term as POTUS.
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Right thing to do but this and the HB revelations via laptop and business partner greatly increase the odds that Harris serves most of the term as POTUS.

I have a feeling there's not enough time before the elections to act on anything that was turned up and leaking or releasing info could jeopardize what may happen - just a thought. The other problem is that releasing before the election looks like an underhanded way of sabotaging Biden - that has as much chance of working against Trump as for him. The Mueller clown show and then the impeachment took too long for the DOJ to dig into the other side - which was likely the intention all along. Bureaucracies have a way of controlling the pace regardless of who is supposedly pulling the strings.
The average American would be shocked at how much power our intelligence agencies have and how autonomously they operate.
I consider myself a political junkie and was shocked myself after some of the Steele/Mueller stuff came out...good start for the 2and term swamp draining
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The election is over...and several careers at the FBI

won't really come out until after the election (if there's anything here really implicating Biden). don't see it changing election results but can see it resulting in a Joe resignation and Harris presidency - hell, I can see Team Harris pushing this after the election if they win
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Right...on both sides...But you neglect the sentiments of millions upon millions of a duly elected result. You know, the damned near principle this nation is founded on...And u spit on it.

Those are the people who supported obama when he said his bit about "fundamentally transforming the United States". Only a stark raving lunatic would make a statement like that, but the worst part is that most of the voters supported the fool - that doesn't say much at all about the sanity of the dem base. Basically you are talking people as deluded and foolish as those who supported Lenin, Castro, and Mao - to their deep regret ... at least those who lived.
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