2020 Presidential Race

Yes. I posted this earlier:

Per Politico: More than 50 former senior intelligence officials, including ex-Trump administration officials like Russ Travers, have signed on to a letter outlining their belief that the Biden e-mails saga "has all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation."

How many of those former senior intelligence officials have actually had hands on access to the computer or contents? How many former senior intelligence officials would know how to analyze computers or computer data? People at the top of bureaucracies don't get their hands dirty with real work; and when they get to the "senior" level, the technology will have bypassed them by a decade or two.
The Biden campaign dismissed the story from the NY Post in its entirety. This is PizzaGate 2.0. You are a nut.

My comment was that in the DNC email leak the information was not "disinformation".

If you think Radcliffe is not trustworthy as a political partisan it's hard to see how you would not also consider Biden a political partisan and his denial as questionable.

I've not said I buy into this or not. You claimed with certainty it is fake yet you can provide not evidence other than a denial from the accused and and some general speculation.
How many of those former senior intelligence officials have actually had hands on access to the computer or contents? How many former senior intelligence officials would know how to analyze computers or computer data? People at the top of bureaucracies don't get their hands dirty with real work; and when they get to the "senior" level, the technology will have bypassed them by a decade or two.
I get that you want to believe this story, because you think that it might help Trump win the election. What you are willing to believe against a Democrat, you would never believe against Trump - with the same degree of "evidence" in support of this belief.
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I get that you want to believe this story, because you think that it might help Trump win the election. What you are willing to believe against a Democrat, you would never believe against Trump - with the same degree of "evidence" in support of this belief.

you believed the Steele dossier no?

this has the same validity so far.

at this point we just don't know
I get that you want to believe this story, because you think that it might help Trump win the election. What you are willing to believe against a Democrat, you would never believe against Trump - with the same degree of "evidence" in support of this belief.

I've said in several posts since the story broke that I didn't trust it - simply too convenient. You are making all the arguments against the story that others are making for. Would I like it to be true. Absolutely, but I'm certainly not going to bet on it in the least. We'll shall see what we see ... or don't.
I've said in several posts since the story broke that I didn't trust it - simply too convenient. You are making all the arguments against the story that others are making for. Would I like it to be true. Absolutely, but I'm certainly not going to bet on it in the least. We'll shall see what we see ... or don't.

it's the funny part - both he and LG were full in on the Steele Dossier (for which there is actual evidence of Russian disinformation) but immediately claim this is Russian disinformation without any reporting establishing that.

there is also the separate sourcing coming from HB's former business partner that provides information consistent with the HB laptop info.

maybe it's all BS but at this point we don't know
simply too convenient.
Too convenient... and since this story wants to also involve child pornography, it's too similar to another hoax - PizzaGate. That is a pretty ambitious step to take. They were better off just leaving it as Hunter Biden using his father's name to sell political influence. This is just too much.
If this was Trump you would be slamming him with everything you got. The real Russia/China connection is being uncovered about Hunter and his pedophile father and your side looks even dumber now.
And you would be defending him with everything you got. You are eager to believe things about Biden you would never believe about Trump - with the same amount of evidence.
To say the FBI won't sit on evidence was my point, They will absolutely sit on evidence if it benefits them to do so no matter what the subject matter is.
Meh... I do not believe that they have been sitting on child pornography on Hunter Biden's laptop for a year, and we are just now hearing about it, two weeks before the election. Something that explosive would have leaked.

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