Here's the difference between us "libtards" and you Trumpsters: I don't have any problem paying more taxes instead of spending my kids' and grandkids' money. Deficit spending by that idiot Trump does just that. As for higher gas prices, do you know how cheap our gas is compared to the rest of the planet? There must be a balance between pumping/fracking freely and the environment. Dumb Donald's approach (note I don't use the term "plan" because he's never had one) was f*** the environment! Nope. Not acceptable. And, yes, we need to take steps to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels and reduce our carbon footprint. Fold in "policies" like the Paris Accord - GOD FORBID WE TRY TO PREVENT GLOBAL WARMING - and yeah, the democrats have a better plan.
If you don't get any of this, well, that's why your candidate lost.
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