Support ranked choice voting.Can't we just declare Jorgensen the winner and move on ? That move would give the whinny bitching Democrats the removal of Trump which they so desperately beg for, end Republicans having to shake their heads at Trumps twitter fascination and would spare the rest of the country the certain disaster and stupidity of a Biden administration. It's a win win in my book.
This shows results as of 8:32 AM todayI hadn't seen this site until it was called to our attention a short while ago, so no idea whether the earlier numbers were actually higher. The other possibility is that MI rejected some ballots or double posted and the totals were revised. Everybody needs to remember though that all the reports are unofficial, and just because the media "call" a win doesn't make it official.
You’re more of a Sigourney Weaver in Alien or Demi Moore in GI Jane fan eh? Lol