2020 Presidential Race

A recount won't matter, whether it was by hook or by crook everyone just needs to go ahead and prepare themselves for the disaster and embarrassment of a Biden Harris administration. The realization that there are huge numbers of people stupid enough to vote for a useless scumbag like Joe Biden is just a sad fact of life that people need to come to grips with. I feel completely comfortable with my Independent status and my Independent vote.
Same here. Independent. Voted Libertarian the last 3 elections. I have never been prouder.
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We sat back and watched, shaking our heads as Hillary was shown to be above the law..above a subpoena from congress. We joked about "Clintoncide" knowing it was another example of Dems being above the law...

If you think that Republicans are gonna sit back and watch blatant fraud and the theft of the office of Potus ....and do nothing...you've got another thing coming. Trump needs to fight this garbage every single step of the way.

NOT 1 BALLOT BETTER BE DESTROYED. If it is thrown away, or otherwise cannot be produced to be verified...it doesn't count. Period. We want a mandatory recount of all swing States, as well as ANY other state where there is alleged fraud. Physically recount every single vote, and VET every single mail in ballot. EVERY SINGLE VOTE NEEDS TO BE RECOUNTED. NO MORE "VOTE DUMPS" THAT ARE 100% BIDEN AT 430AM.

I agree all votes should be counted, but surely you must concur that it weakens your case when Eric Trump is proven to be re-tweeting a fraudulent video of 80 ballots being burned. After the boy cries wolves so many times, eventually, people collectively say STFU.
Trump received ~62.9 million votes in 2016, ~68.8 million and counting now, which works out to a 9.38% increase with more votes still to come in. Given that nationwide trend, no, a local 10% increase isn't that weird
While I agree with you (and that's what I posted prreviously), a state that saw close to 3.3 million people vote, had only 395k registered not make a vote. Thats seems weird to me.
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Now we know why they pushed so hard for Barrett.
They didn't want any 4-4 rulings over the election. Going to have to say they knew this was coming. Probably have a pile of NSA evidence.
You can't plan this kind of stuff and not talk about it.
Is it erroneous that she slept her way to the top, or is it erroneous to imply that anyone can sleep their way to the top in 2020?

Saying she didn't use a physical relationship for political gain is just ignoring reality.

The attack is uniquely made against women because it is a tactic that is uniquely avaliable to women. You don't have to like that fact, but that's the world we inhabit.

Making the claim that Kamala Harris exploited sexual favors for power is not an attack on women. "Women" did not exploit sex for power, Kamala Harris did.

"It's fine to call Kamala a whore because only women sleep their way up, and none of this is sexist" is quite a take
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There are GOP observers at every table. And it's livestreamed. This is stupid.

It’s mind boggling. Some people should have their Twitter access revoked. Blatant spreading of nonsense and random stats, pictures, and videos with no context or background.

If that video really is true and there isn’t a single republican able to witness then throw her ass in jail. I seriously doubt that is what’s happening though.
Trump received ~62.9 million votes in 2016, ~68.8 million and counting now, which works out to a 9.38% increase with more votes still to come in. Given that nationwide trend, no, a local 10% increase isn't that weird
He got the most white vote ever. We flip so many seats in the House, hold the Senate, he got the most AA vote for a republican in 60 years. Ohio should show you what Michigan and Wisconsin would've been. And you don't think anything is strange?
It's a part of my explanation. There are R presidents, R majority Houses, and R majority Senates since Roe and nobody has pushed for a case to challenge. The R party therefore isnt endorsing through action but inaction.
Agree about the slant of justices. It's why I was careful to label R/D appointed rather than R/D justice.
I understand but my question was specific. At what times in our history since Roe/Wade has their been an R president and R majority in both houses. I don’t know the answer, do you know it?Anyway it is a weak or nonexistent argument to state the Republican Party is complicit in abortion infanticide.
I know they have been active in trying to stop the practice of late term abortions.
No one said the last election was fraudulent? The argument was that we should go by popular vote in the future, that's not the same as saying there were fake Trump ballots and the Board of Elections was part of the Deep State
You all said the Russians cheated for Trump
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