2020 Presidential Race

I would rather see the country stay together but it can't on it's current path. Scale the fed gov back to pre-civil war levels and it would work another 200+ years but outside of that we are destined to break.

So your solution to not causing a civil war is to revert back to policies that literally caused a civil war? Interesting.
If you think the only evidence is Twitter videos you’re only listening to one side. There are literally legal documents alleging fraud in multiple states in multiple ways. But yeah, keep dismissing it saying “it’s just Twitter!”

A letter to Barr from a random ass law firm is not “literally a legal document” lmao
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I am all for scrutiny on voting in all states where the votes are very close. If you are going to prove fraud, the evidence will need to be very strong.
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There must be a way to provide verification, double verification, triple verification. Email everyone a receipt, have them acknowledge, then forward to multiple locations. When count is done, compare the lists to be sure.

I am confident we are collectively smart enough to come up with a way to do this that is even more secure than currently.

Our two candidates were Donald Trump and Joe Biden. Now tell me again how "collectively smart" we are.
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No she didnt. She is claiming every new voter in the state of Georgia signed up because of her.

She didnt learn ish but to lie better. And people never learned to fact check the bs.

That is not a fact check. That is an article saying that since 2016 1 million new voters have been added. It says nothing about Fair Fight.
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How much of a role does Trump's fear of criminal prosecution by the State of New York play a role in this going forward? I don't see why the state prosecutors, in their discretion, cannot agree to forego that if it is understood that Trump goes quietly into that good night.

None because the day he leaves office the investigation ends.
I don't think that is going to happen. Why would you let that criminal go quietly into the night? I doubt that he goes quietly anywhere. That is not in his DNA.

Given statements even within the last 15 minutes by Trump's campaign it is clear that in the coming days the powers that be within the GOP are going to have to talk him down off the ledge and accept reality. Figure out a way that his ego can be satisfied that he's not being embarrassed.
For us to stay together another 200 years the power of the federal government would have to be scaled back to pre civil war levels.

We, the people, don’t matter anymore.
The money only matters
Elitist only care about elitist
Otherwise a lot of bad people would be sitting in prison somewhere and they aren’t
They both lied.
While Trump did some things that were good he lied about some things too.
You still think your vote matters?
Whichever side of the fence your on there are things in the past days that prove it doesent, at all.
Let’s see where the Biden years go.
Does he make it or not?
Does she take over?
Is Pelosi her VP at that point?
Do the riots stop?
At the end of the day Trump goes back to one of his many houses and lives out his days rich and untouchable even more so than he was before.

At this point I’m done with voting,
Not because he didn’t win because looking back on it they don’t care about us and my vote doesent matter and never did.
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Both sides should demand a full and accurate recount and verification of all mail in ballots. Why? Biden’s side should want it very clear that they won it fair and square. Trump’s side should want to prove there was fraud. All Americans should demand to know the results are accurate and not riddled with fraud as some states appear to be. Don’t get started with the “you can’t prove fraud” BS. Of course you can’t prove fraud if you are not allowed to review the underlying ballots.

Get it all out in the open for everyone to see. If there was fraud, prosecute everyone involved to the maximum allowable. If not, it will be proven to half the country that the election was fair.

Having another President that is distrusted and appears illegitimate to half the country is a recipe for 4 more years of bitter partisanship that will divide this country even further.

For the record, I don’t care which one won as long as there is divided government to keep the idiots on both sides from accomplishing anything.
Simply amazing. Trump led all these states election night. They decide to stop counting for the night and then ever since it’s been overwhelming votes for Biden coming in
What’s simply amazing is that a guy who claims to have “5 degrees on the wall” is this unintelligent.
Simply amazing. Trump led all these states election night. They decide to stop counting for the night and then ever since it’s been overwhelming votes for Biden coming in

Horrific comparison. There was intense ethnic hated for a long period of time between those groups. Also, the makeup of Yugoslavia was completely different. It would be like if the USA was a mix of white states, black states, Mexican states, etc. Not really the same as being upset you can’t nominate judges for a few years.

And I’m pretty certain you’re wrong about people thinking Yugoslavia would never break apart.

It's a perfect comparison since like the US it wasn't a homogeneous country.

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