2020 Presidential Race

Trump has lost every court case so far.

He keeps screeching about stuff being rigged and then failing to produce the evidence when called out.

Put up or shut up time.

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It’s amazing how the rhetoric is word for word among Trumpers. Lack of original thought coupled with low information leads to what we see today.

Thats funny as Hell because of the Trump voters here we have several engineers, doctors, nurses, and generally all the conservative posters here in the PF other than me seem to be quite wealthy, which doesn't often happen for fools....what you got going there, Big Pimpin?? I assume since you can look down your little bitch nose at all of us...that you must be a Rhodes Scholar with a self made fortune right???

Definitely. Otherwise you would be just another dumbazz liberal hypocrite like all the rest....long on mouth but desperately short on the azz to actually back that mouth up?

If wisdom comes with experience, and that's generally accepted; and experience comes only with time...or age, if you will....what does it tell a logical person that nearly all dumbazz college kids with zero real world knowledge vote liberal.......and the vast majority of older, wiser people vote conservative??

You have enough working braincells to follow a logical progression like that?

I would infer that either the entire older educated population is terribly wrong...

Or you're a liberal dumbazz and one day when you're all grown up...you will figure it out for yourself.
I never said there aren't loons on the left, too. I just dont recall Biden defending them, or parts of those groups, or suggesting their services might be needed and to stand by.
Did he defend Hillary? I consider her a loon.
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Democrats need our tax dollars too much.

Illegal immigrants need our tax dollars too much.

Who’s going to be paying for their free sh*t? The working class don’t have a chance in hell under Biden.
In what world is someone making over 400,000 a year working class??
In a perfect world the Republican party would've put forth a more moderate candidate that actually had some charisma and credibility to run against HRC. Since this was lacking, the megalomaniac stepped into the vacuum.
We need someone with charisma and actually wants to do their best for this country..... I don’t care if that person has D or an R next to their name
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Thats funny as Hell because of the Trump voters here we have several engineers, doctors, nurses, and generally all the conservative posters here in the PF other than me seem to be quite wealthy, which doesn't often happen for fools....what you got going there, Big Pimpin?? I assume since you can look down your little bitch nose at all of us...that you must be a Rhodes Scholar with a self made fortune right???

Definitely. Otherwise you would be just another dumbazz liberal hypocrite like all the rest....long on mouth but desperately short on the azz to actually back that mouth up?

If wisdom comes with experience, and that's generally accepted; and experience comes only with time...or age, if you will....what does it tell a logical person that nearly all dumbazz college kids with zero real world knowledge vote liberal.......and the vast majority of older, wiser people vote conservative??

You have enough working braincells to follow a logical progression like that?

I would infer that either the entire older educated population is terribly wrong...

Or you're a liberal dumbazz and one day when you're all grown up...you will figure it out for yourself.

I’m always told on here that college education doesn’t mean **** so Trump voters professions mean little to me.
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In a perfect world the Republican party would've put forth a more moderate candidate that actually had some charisma and credibility to run against HRC. Since this was lacking, the megalomaniac stepped into the vacuum.
In a perfect world, the left would have put forth a better candidate than Hillary in 2016.

Truthfully, in 2020 as well.

Unfortunately, we don't live in a perfect world.
I really feel like Trump is the first president to be voted out of office, just because of an unlikeable personality. The other two most recent one term presidents (Carter and GHWB) were in the middle of recessions. They were also widely regarded for being good people. Trump did this to himself. He is the first president to lose to his own a$$holishness.

Disagree, as much as I’d like to agree. He got axed because of the Covid non-response.

If he had pretended to take it seriously for more than that one national address, he’d have won in a landslide.

The mail-in votes tell the story. Biden dominated those votes. They flipped the script in 4 swing states, maybe all 6, that Biden won.

Those are the people who are taking Covid most seriously and they made the difference in the election, IMO.

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