2020 Presidential Race

It is nonsense.... just like the stuff republicans will try to pull now will be nonsense..... to impeach a sitting president..... there should be way more evidence than that little blip of a phone call..... that goes for either side.

Restating your opinion isn’t going to make me agree with you. My opinion will always be that using or attempting to use the government’s power for personal gain is a disqualifying act for any individual in a position of public trust.

Obviously, many people disagree. Maybe even a majority.

That’s as good as you’re going to get from me on it.
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Trumpateers will at least be able to watch Trump TV. When Fox changes its name.
That's going to happen. But he's not merging with Fox, he is going to try and destroy Fox by positioning his station even further to the right. His attacks on Fox are coming.........he is evidently in a rage over them calling Arizona for Biden.
The problem I have is people who are unable to take into account character. That does mean something and this election proved it. He might have gotten away with just being your typical run of the mill *******, but he kept doubling down.

Im not sure I would jump on "character" with very many career politicians or business tycoons that ended up in politics and expect a lot.

Trump wore his on his sleeve. Joe doesn't, but that doesn't mean much either. He's been in the business long enough to know the game.

Here's where I'm at with these Twitter claims. The government should look into them, and if proven true, we obviously have a problem. If proven false, the person making such a claim should be prosecuted for fraud. My worry is that people are fanning flames just to be fanning flames.
And “fraud” is what your dear leader has been beating into your head for 4 years.

Claimed fraud in 2016 too, when he won. But he’s so narcissistic he insisted there must be widespread fraud bc he lost the popular vote.

Put a team together. Investigated it. Found no widespread fraud. Shocking.

He’s just recycling his playbook. And you’re buying it.....again. Sad.

It’s almost like having a history of voter fraud , Chicago , for example . Being assured that there’s no such thing as voter fraud , going so far as having a president assure the country that there no interference, then claiming Russian interference and having a large group of voters believing any of it . My question is .. are lies and propaganda election interference? If it is , our system is broken .
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True. But they’re ways to prevent the spread of covid. Ways that Trump has by and large rejected.
Oh please tell us what those are. Lockdowns? Don't work. Masks? Don't work. Look at Europe. This mild flu is going to do what its going to do and still has a far above 99% survival rate. But it did its job in allowing the dems to steal the election through massive mail in voter fraud
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